Looking good to me Jim.
Thanks Redrobbo!
Hopefully I should be able to stumble my way to harvest :roflcry:
The next run will be soo much easier!
Looking good to me Jim.
"Munch..munch..munchAloha Jimmann~
I love the videos you make, and the music that goes with them too.
Besides those few yellowing leaves the rest of the group looks great.
Those mains on those ladies are gonna be huge! And stumble your way in to a harvest or not I think you'll be happy.
I always feel like its never in the bag until the day I actually harvest, so...
Good job and way to hang in there. I agree with you, the next one will a bunch easier; that pesky learning curve and all!
Haha,you got me there Jim,good thing you never took my advice lol.Thanks dude!
Its great seeing light at the end of the tunnel :Sharing One:Cant wait to use everything I've learn't on my next grow,
hopefully my accurate 8 will have made it from china by then lol
Haha,you got me there Jim,good thing you never took my advice lol.
That was my senior moment,was it? i think it was,wasnt it,IDFK.