Jimm! Well, you got the Ca Mg needs cover 3 layers deep-- LOL! ...it's nice to have them all, since there may be times when you just need the one nute',... too much of any of them can make troubles,... balance and accounting for all sources of ___, is always something to keep an eye on! So, with the epsoms you have MgSO4-- this is a salt, so over use is something to look out for; it's great because it's fast acting, especially as a foliar spray; the S is a vital nute' itself too! Used to
treat defc., soil dosage is 1tsp/qt, foliar 1tsp/gal...it can be used as a regular supp' at 1/4 tsp/qt, but what with all you have, skip the salt input and go with the Ca-Mg supp, and/or molasses... Speaking of which, this has Ca, Mg, K, and a bit of Fe in it, plus the sugars-- these will make the sloi microbes happy, which in turn will make your girls happy! ---1T/gal-- ... follow directions on the Plant Magic bottle for dosage,... All this said, you shouldn't add all three, right?!... I'd treat with the Ca-Mg and some molasses (I don't think it's as conc. as the dedicated supp' is), and let that work in for a few days, see how she reacts,... ***... not sure what Go auto meant by forgetting the pH in organics,.... if you're in a true TLO soil, I think that's the case, but if just using "organic" bottle nute's, it's still something to keep an eye on,... they're just a bit less likely to cause pH imbalance vs. synthetics/salts based nutes,... no flush needed either (don't think that's what he meant anyway),...

let us know what the soil pH reading is when you can!