Indoor my chaze grow

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ok this is where i started day 125
this is wot i have harvested so far today
i have a lil more to go and a few naff pics of her trunk but i will get better ones this is wot i have left to harvest tommrow
naff trunk pics DSCF0929.jpg
I think thats meant for you stoney... he's getting confused between the two grows with the same probs...

I figured it out I think... lets assume my base water ph is 7.0... I had figured that adding the bizz nutes was dropping my ph level to lockout...

Mines faired better after I figured out that dolomite lime was ph neutral of 7.0 but I couldn't find any, I then found out that dolomite was basically just calcium and magnesium (which the plants were lacking anyways)

So I stuck some calcium dust and epsom salts into my nute mix and gave that to the plants.... (funnily enough I done all of this in theory because I didn't have a PH meter)

It completely helped.... alongside that I upped my nutes to almost DOUBLE what they were lol...

Today I got a PH meter and I checked on my theory just to have physical evidence on the theory....

my water ph is 7.4 when I added the bizz it drops to 5.1 ... 5.1 causes the cal/mag AND PHOS deficiencies.
*the PHOS side explains why neither of us had probs until the start of flower*

adding the calcium and mag to the mix upped my ph to 6.4 (practically optimum right) ... tomorrow is watering day so I'll be doing the test on a proper batch and I'll PH the run off too just to let ya know ;)

nice work on doing youre homework diagnosiing you're own problem good catch......................thats why i p.h after i add my nutes
Congrats dude, you cropped more than me outta that beauty !!! how's the potency ???