Dutch Passion MY BEANS ARE FINALLY HERE!!!!!!!!!!!AutoXtreme Grow Journal

Lol automazar is that low because of lst and supercropping.i grew her last run topped and let to grow and she grew five and half foot tall into my lights.so no topping doesnt affect height its strain dependant.i have purporsly trained her this way to keep her this low.amd vertical growth has not stopped yet.and these plants are not small lol still only young;)

There are lots of examples of plants that are much larger at the same age. I tell you what lets go at this another way. @autobeast how can you prove that topping does not affect yield? I am curious to know what kinda of data you have to support it, I have provided a LOT of evidence to support my claim, yet you only have anecdotal evidence and your own experience getting 7-8 oz a plant
And i have 5 years proven experience of this topic all self taught from.myself pushing autos to the limits. So yea i defo know what im talking about .i would not be here sharing the info otherwise lol. ;)
I am in no way bashing you my friend and I am not saying that topping autos cant or shouldn't be done. I am simply saying that your yield will suffer if you do, you are continuing to say that it doesn't lol but you have 0 data or evidence to support it that is what i am getting at my friend. I only want to see everyone here grow the best plants they can and get the most accurate info. If you are saying that topping autos doesn't affect yield and someone who is new who needs yield for meds doesn't get what they expected because they followed advice that was not accurate, can potentially turn a new grower off from growing and we don't want that.
I know this from my own experiments iv done with autos untopped and topped no diffrence in yield.so u can say im wrong all u like its cool.im used to it as i say there is more growers saying dont do this dont do that thinking they can predict the outcome.instead of just pushing the limits for themselfs.but im here to show what the results can be and with monster results.pics dont lie;) only way u personally find out without thinking what u like.is top an auto and see for urself;)
And i have 5 years proven experience of this topic all self taught from.myself pushing autos to the limits. So yea i defo know what im talking about .i would not be here sharing the info otherwise lol. ;)

Yes my dude but there is a big difference in growing plants and observing them, and doing actual scientific experiments to support your claims like "topping an auto, does not affect yield or vertical growth" just because you have had success topping autos you have virtually NOTHING to compare it to, other than your "buddies" grow and your brother or somethin which is not sufficient in the least lol. I am a botanitst and I take claims about what we all grow very seriously, and in this case you are just wrong my dude so I don't want anyone to be confused as to what the correct info is. I am not saying that you are wrong for growing the way you do, I honestly like it and think you do a great job but correct info here is essential
I know this from my own experiments iv done with autos untopped and topped no diffrence in yield.so u can say im wrong all u like its cool.im used to it as i say there is more growers saying dont do this dont do that thinking they can predict the outcome.instead of just pushing the limits for themselfs.but im here to show what the results can be and with monster results.pics dont lie;) only way u personally find out without thinking what u like.is top an auto and see for urself;)

You said that you have done experiments, just to let EVERYONE know growing 2 autos side by side and doing X to one and nothing to another is NOT a good way to get any kind of real data. The main reason is because phenotypes vary from bean to bean, so there is no way to know if X was the factor or genes. So if you really want to PROVE if topping autos yields the same you MUST grow out multiple strains, I would say at least 20 to get a good basline, and get an average to compare to. Have you done that or have your experiments been as I described above, two autos side by side one topped one not?
I see im speaking to a brick wall.lets just leave it at that mate.iv got grow journels on 420 and threads proving what im saying is true.plant after plant after plant.pics and info.so its all good.peace;)
I know we have different views, but if you keep making unsupported claims I will be there each time to remind folks what the science says and not mere speculation. I told you from jump that I think what you are doing is cool and I am supportive of what you are doing, I just want you to keep the rhetoric down lol
U no nothing about me.just ur opinion.what i say is true as i have explained.u wont like it .but give it a year or so and i bet there will be alot of growers on afn topping autos with monster results;) have a great day