Dutch Passion MY BEANS ARE FINALLY HERE!!!!!!!!!!!AutoXtreme Grow Journal

I see im speaking to a brick wall.lets just leave it at that mate.iv got grow journels on 420 and threads proving what im saying is true.plant after plant after plant.pics and info.so its all good.peace;)

I have looked at those grows too my dude, and all of them are the same. "My plants are good so it must be true" there is nowhere that you have done experiments to support your claims. To my knowledge no on has, when you grow out 20 or more plants and get a baseline to support your claims it will always be speculation
U no nothing about me.just ur opinion.what i say is true as i have explained.u wont like it .but give it a year or so and i bet there will be alot of growers on afn topping autos with monster results;) have a great day

Do you plan on an actual experiment in the next year, and growing as you describe a garage full to see if you are right? I am lol, I am going to be doing just that. I will be growing 99 plants and at least half dedicated to some REAL science when it comes to autos. SO my friend I can guarantee you one thing, I will PROVE my position with empirical data long before you Profess the church of topping autos. But as you said time will tell lmfao.
Enough now chaps. You both have valid points(and you both produce :greenthumb:). I doubt either of you will change your opinions soon, so let`s move on and call it a draw eh! Horses for courses et all...:pass: :peace:
What happened here @derek420colorado Are you still journaling, or what? Let's see some bud porn!!!!

hahahahahah this thread is almost two years old hehehehe, these buds have lonnnnng been smoked, BUTTTTTTTT I will have another journal up veryyyyy soon. here is a sneak peak of the first part of the new gear.
Just looking in as I saw you asking where your one pound badge wentin another thread. So i started reading your journal a few weeks ago. I can't find the photos or a dry weight on the 400g er - Just an estimate then the topping debate. Did i miss a page? maybe you could help with a link . Regards
Just looking in as I saw you asking where your one pound badge wentin another thread. So i started reading your journal a few weeks ago. I can't find the photos or a dry weight on the 400g er - Just an estimate then the topping debate. Did i miss a page? maybe you could help with a link . Regards

page 24 are the most of the harvest pics, I didn't ever take a picture of the individual weights of each ones though as there was no 1lb plant badge then, that is a new thing. I will next time though lol