My Autoflower Topping & LST Journey - Daily Updates

OG Kush is going strong! Just moved to the mid veg schedule for nutes a couple days back and topped her today.

Topped at the third node to see if I can spread her out a bit more with less need to defoliate. Hoping that means fewer but bigger colas in the end, and an easier time with the LST along the way. This is a test to see if it would work better for growing 2 plants at the same time in this small tent.


Fastberry is being worked towards flushing... Flushed with PhD water yesterday and today fed half nutes... Will probably do that one more time then straight water for a few days before harvest. Trichomes are almost all cloudy with some amber so hoping a week is good.

Gotta figure out how to bring my tent humidity back up... Would like it to be higher for the OG Kush and will be drying in the tent as well. Sitting at 40 or so and that's too dry for drying I think... Will have to try a humidifier...

I have a question reguarding your grow, i have the 135w hlg v2 rspec, what watt do you run during veg and how much inches away from the tops do you keep it? thanks for your time
I have a question reguarding your grow, i have the 135w hlg v2 rspec, what watt do you run during veg and how much inches away from the tops do you keep it? thanks for your time

Hey @BicGro I start em around 30 inches on full power(unadjusted from HLG).

I watch the leaves for their cues on height though and adjust down if I see leaves reaching or folding upwards and adjust up if I see any edge curling or light bleaching.

Each plant is different and I've noticed this OG Kush is liking the light. I believe I settled on 24 inches or so as a seedling and now just over 2 weeks in we are about the same after topping and an adjustment yesterday.
Straight PHd H2O for this Fastberry and planning on chopping her Saturday or Sunday!


The OG Kush has been topped at the third node and didn't slow down at all so here we are with her first LST session done. Not bending her over like I have done a couple times in the past but rather trying the whole X thing.

Yeah one of my plants hermed on me I just pinched the pollen sacs off hopefully I got all of them, beautiful grow though
Having some fun with this new OG Kush, as she has proven to be a champ with the topping and LST. She never missed a beat and is now setup perfect for some growth. This LST technique is proving to be a good option and I am hoping with 6 mains instead of 8 that I can get a more spread out plant and avoid feeling the need to defoliate. Experimenting due to the small tent/footprint and trying to keep 2 at a time in here... Fun Fun!


And we are almost there with the Fastberry! So close... Just trying to wait as long as I can and don't really want to chop her Saturday as I have family coming Sunday. Thinking Sunday evening she gets the chop!
