Indoor My Auto Berry Ryder Indoor LED Soil Grow (Week 5-6)

StormsEnigma - I really appreciate your input/advice. I went ahead and misted at the end of my last light cycle. I diluted it a little more than I was using for regular feeding. And you're completely right about the vertical growth. I fertilized with high N until she just about stopped growing, since I've switched to TB and pumped up the P, she has only grown 1.5 inches. I'm going to update with some more pics soon, but she's starting fatten up around the top kola.

My main concern right now is definitely trying to fatten her up because she seems "airy". It may be due to using a relatively weak amount of LED but hopefully with some TLC and time she'll plump up!

Thanks again for stopping by and please don't be a stranger!
i wouldnt be to put off by airy buds, i quite like them, some strains are more dence and hard some are more airy, but you will find that the will plump up a hell of a lot over the next 1-2 weeks, you can also add a couple of warm light cfl's, they are great for the budding stage
Awesome idea. I was considering adding a few warm CFL's but wasn't sure how they would interact with the LED. I was unsure about asking lol, but awesome, I really appreciate your advice. She's responding very well to the light foliage fertilizing.
Awesome idea. I was considering adding a few warm CFL's but wasn't sure how they would interact with the LED. I was unsure about asking lol, but awesome, I really appreciate your advice. She's responding very well to the light foliage fertilizing.

they go well together, infact they are recomended to be used together, LED is great for veg, not always great for bloom, though recent technology is changing that and the top end LED's are great for both, but no such thing as to much light, only to much heat and led has next to no heat and cfl's dont get that hot either(though if you have heaps it can get hot)

I use LED and cfl's, when they cfl's are on you cant see the LED but when the cfls are off my box glows pinky/purple so i take this to mean with the cfl's you are offering a full color spectrum.

also LED has no or very low UV, initially UV was thought to be bad for plants and in a way it is but weed develops trics to protect itself from uv, so if you give it a good dose of uv especially during bloom your plants will develop more trics and create a stonger smoke and cfl's do emit uv in small doses, im even considdering adding a uv bulb during bloom
great to hear she is responding well to the foilar feeding, might even be worth upping the dose to the same as you feed by watering(but do it gradually)
i found in my last grow my speed devil loved it full strength but my purple jem did not like it so much, every plant is different but you will find that foilar feeding is more effective than water feeding as you can do it every day and once obsorbed into the leaves it spreads right through the whole plant and into the roots much quicker than when they feed through the roots

would love to see some pics
Update: Well noticed some obvious yellowing on the new leaves on the main kola. So, did a cleanse (not a flush) and measured the run-off. My ph is coming back way too low, like under 6.0 so I'm waiting for the soil to dry out some and I'm going to try an adjust. I'm not going to fertilize at all until I can correct this :( but check the pics and you'll see the yellowing I'm talking about.

However, on a positive note, she is fattening up rather nicely and the smell has become super strong ;)

looking great, you will get some chunky bud out of her, looks to still be in flowering and not budding stage yet
definately need to get the ph sorted
cant really see yellowing in your pic, but you wil get leaves yellowing the further you get into bloom as the flowers and bud sites start feeding from the leaves, towards the end you will have a fair bit of yellowing
plants are looking amazing with just the 36W at the beginning bro! what is the addition 90W?

hopefully she fattens up for you :wiz: :slap:

Look at her packin on some weight! That main stem is gonna be dense! Keep doin what you're doin. Cfl's with led's are a total plus. I had some 150w equivalent bulbs going with my 2 led units and they really helped. They run a bit warm though. I had to run a fan on them to push the heat up.
Herbal: Actually it's only 50w! It was a gift from a friend and has definitely helped

Vick: Thanks for embedding! Tomorrow I may take the field trip and get some CFL going.