Indoor My Auto Berry Ryder Indoor LED Soil Grow (Week 5-6)

Don't Feel guilty about adding at UFO the plant is thanking you. I do have to say your canna looked good for just 36w of led light. I think you're gunna knock this one out of the park, mate. Keep it up.
Thankyou Gradolabs! I appreciate the kind words!

Day 51:
p.s you dont want your weed to hurry up, my purple jems finisdhed in 54 days, very small yield.
but your heading into the fun stage
have you switched to bloom nutes yet?
Yeah, I've been feeding Tiger Bloom about twice weekly. I'm most likely going to stop after one or two more feedings though... is that too soon to stop? She hasn't been on TB too long, I think I used Grow Big for too long.

I'm guessing im still 2-3 weeks out.

Also, thank you two for stopping by and the kind words!
might be worth considdering having some foilage feeding aswell, give the leaves a misting with a spray bottle every 1-2 days(at night at end of light time) as they absorb quicker and more efficiantly through leaves than roots and you wont make the soil to wet and still allow it to dry (if you do this just keep an eye out for nute burn and lesson strength if needed)
2 weeks sounds good time frame but dont set it in stone, let your plant decide based on the coloring of the trics
oh yeah and looking at your flowers i think you have started bloom at the right time, to many people make the mistake with autos and switch to bloom when flowering starts, best way to tell is when the growth/hight slows down and stablises then its time for bloom.
you have plenty of time to fatten her up