Indoor My Auto Berry Ryder Indoor LED Soil Grow (Week 5-6)

I wanted to stop in and say thank you to everyone to showed support!

I want to share my last quarter :( with you guys.

My total 65% RH, dry weight, was approximately 20 grams.

At first, I was a bit upset that I did not break an ounce. However, my g/f reminded me that a few months ago I was positive I'd fail, so this is a victory :) Besides, the bud is amazing.

Thank you all again and I look forward to following everyone's threads and hopefully have a thread for my future project soon!

One Love!!!



Looks like some fire bro. Nothin better than enjoying the fruits of your labor when it's done right. Max rep for ya! What do you think you're gonna do for your next run? Find any inspiration to switch to a different medium? Cause you have a sweet setup and it has lottttts of potential with the experience that you just gained. Lets help you get at least 2 o's a plant for the next round ;)
Sorry I didn't catch this till now. :thread::slap:
Romeo - No love lost! Plus it's kinda like catching onto a TV series late, you get to watch all the episodes at once without waiting!! :D

Vick - I really appreciate it. I've made some major changes that should improve my yield. I'm going to use the same medium and the same FoxFarm Trio + Sledgehammer.

The differences:

1. 2 Gallon Air Pot.

2. I purchased a Digital Soil PH Meter + Probe. Forked out the $ and purchased a high end model. Supposedly, really accurate soil ph readings.

3. Much better understanding of nutrients. (Like the need to document everything)

4. Utilize CFL's as much as possible. Adding the additional lighting at the end of the grow was essential at maximizing my yield. This time, they won't be introduced so late into the grow.

Plus, the biggest factor is exactly what you mentioned, knowledge through experience.

I CAN'T WAIT to start the Taiga from Dutch Passion. Unfortunately, I will most likely not be able to begin for a few months. However, I will definitely be on the boards following your grow and others until I can't click "like" anymore :D
enjoy that beautiful nuggetry lesG! should be the best you ever smoked (since its self grown lol)

make sure to update us whenver you start your next grow ofcourse.

Plus, the biggest factor is exactly what you mentioned, knowledge through experience.

like that bro! :smokebuds:
Those are some pretty lookin dried up budsies!!! gotta give ya some rep on some nice lookin buds :gthumb:
Hey les_gold (if you're still around) How did you feel about the 21X-PRO light? I ask because I am putting together a PC grow and I found this light as a possibility. My grow area is going to be much smaller than yours and I thought that just that light would suffice for the grow area I am going to have in the PC case. Would it be a light you would recommend after your experience with it? Your whole grow was amazing and very insightful from everyone participating in the discussion. It has helped me out quite a bit!