Indoor My Auto Berry Ryder Indoor LED Soil Grow (Week 5-6)

Hey what light schedule r u running?

started 24/0, switched to 20/4.

Drying Time: 48 Hours
Total Weight: 35.2 grams or 1.26 Ounces
24 Hour loss: 22.1 grams or .79 oz :( :(

It doesn't look like I'll have over an ounce, but whatever it ends up being, I'm really happy :booya::


started 24/0, switched to 20/4.

Drying Time: 48 Hours
Total Weight: 35.2 grams or 1.26 Ounces
24 Hour loss: 22.1 grams or .79 oz :( :(

It doesn't look like I'll have over an ounce, but whatever it ends up being, I'm really happy :booya::


View attachment 197310

shouldnt lose to much more weight now? most of the water should be gone by now just a little inner dampness to go

and still a great haul from a plant harvested a little early due to your schedual needs, she still had some fattening up to go so you should hit your next grow with alot of confidense, i reckon you should be able to fit ateast 2 in your grow area, make a jungle :D
shouldnt lose to much more weight now? most of the water should be gone by now just a little inner dampness to go

and still a great haul from a plant harvested a little early due to your schedual needs, she still had some fattening up to go so you should hit your next grow with alot of confidense, i reckon you should be able to fit ateast 2 in your grow area, make a jungle :D

Thanks brother!

I'm unfamiliar with how the buds lose moisture... I know that you can expect 60-70% weight loss from completely wet to 65 RH in jar, but I've already lost a BIG chunk lol and I didn't weight the initial 24 hour period. So, I only measured from 24 hours to 48 hours, not from fresh off plant.

I'm hoping she hangs on to as much weight as she can lol! I'm also keeping the RH levels as close to 50 as possible in the tent and im getting an even RH reading on the bottom of tent and the top. 70 Degrees/50 RH typically.

I appreciate the positive words bro! In hindsight, I knew so little about what I was doing and glad I reached out to the boards. I feel like an entire different "gardener" compared to when I germinated this BR (I can official say I'm beginning my greenthumb)!

Also,I made some new purchases and am getting completely organized before my next grow. Unfortunately, it may be a few months :( However, I have made some upgrades. I bought a Bluelab PH probe and test to electronically test my soil's PH. It seems to be a quality product with great reviews. I do not want to switch to a hydroponic medium but knowing my soil's PH I've learned is essential. I also purchased a 2 gallon Air Pot! No more crappy walmart container!

My next grow is going to be Dutch Passion Taiga and I'm going to just grow a single plant again and try to maximize the yield as much as possible... (My understanding is that the power plant genetics make Taiga a solid yielder).

I'll weigh again tomorrow at 72 hours, and hopefully sometime soon I'll be blowin berry ryder!! I gotta admit, it's weird not having a plant to care for :(
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Grats on the chop bro. Shit looks goooood. And +10 points for that technics poster ;]

Grats on the chop bro. Shit looks goooood. And +10 points for that technics poster ;]


Hahaha thanks alot! Also, that's a matted painting lol :D +10 times atleast 2!

Quick Update:

Reweighed after 8 hours: 31.7

So, total loss in 8 hours was: 3.5. So, the moisture loss is drastically slowing. I imagine 24 grams + or - However, I used my grinder to chop all the sugar leaves and trim and have a ton of Kief :D Can't wait to start cookin hopefully tomorrow if all of the trim is extremely dry.

It sucks waiting to smoke her! However, I got some purple today that I thought I'd share with the group :D I do not know the strain but she's a beauty:

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air pot will make a big positive differance and by reputation Taiga is a very big yeilder so i look forward to hopefully watching that grow?
Weight after 67 Hour drying time: 25.1 Grams (Without stems).

I went ahead and placed inside of a mason jar with hygrometer. I want to see what the RH reading comes back as to decide if they need more drying time. These buds are not very dense, so I worry about overdrying them...they are slightly sticky but dry. Also, inside of the jar the smell is amazing.

congrtas on the hrvest lesG! enjoy that bro - i bet its delicious.

:slap: you will get the oz next round for sure - just apply what you learned from the first and you are good to go.

:five: nice harvest and enjoy your smoke from her shes a very nice fruity smoke and quite hard hitting :five: