Day 63 (a.k.a Week 9!)
So, just a few words about this experience. I began this with a book on Photo's and very little knowledge regarding auto's or gardening, period. I made a lot mistakes that I will definitely not do again and I know it affected yield and quality. However, I have to call this a success so far for a first timer. This has been an amazing experience, but incredibly demanding. (I'm sure the "demanding" qualities diminish over time with experience). Thank you all for all the input and I'm going to update all the way to dry weight
I want to also include something I have learned, it is probably silly, but I didn't think too much about it at first. It is important to measure heat and RH at multiple points in your tent/room. If you are relying on 1 temperature reading, you are doing yourself a disservice. It has been much easier to control the temperature using 3 points of measurement. One digital at top of the tent that measures TEMP/Humidity. A digital thermometer at CFL level, mid kola (from petsmart), and a Humidity/Temp at plant level. This was amazing at determining how the heat is flowing in the tent and if it's properly ventilating. Also, if you can, get one's that record the High/Low so you can see your averages. That's all I wanted to preach about!
Also, I quick dryed a sample...(or samplesss) and the best "super quick" method is steaming. It's obvious that the quality is nowhere close to what proper drying and curing will produce. However, us noobs get too excited!
Enjoy the bud Pr0n... (I didn't realize how yellow most of my fan leaf tips were until seeing them on here. However, I have been letting the temps get in the Mid-High 60s during the 4 hour dark period and it seems like there is SOME bluish haze but it could be mental lol)