Live Stoners My 1st time attempting a soil grow. Need a few tips please.

Some liquid feed are salt based and don't do well in soil. Been there . I used general hydroponics feed to and ran into countless problems. All part of learning a .

Im just really grateful that I found this place. Cuz had i not I wouldve planted in 100% FFOF which everybody says its way to hot for autos, and on top of that I wouldve been adding more nutes. Would've been an absolute disaster. With the better guidance im getting from here im sure ill bump my head a few times but ill learn from it n get thru it.
Quick question in case anybody knows. As I already mentioned im using an LED light that says its 1000w but it only pulls 150w. Does anyone know what would be the equivalent of wattage if it were a MH or HPS?
Well thankfully I have 5 seeds each of 3 strains. So im definitely gonna experiment a lil and see what works and what doesn't. On my 1st 2 grows I used regular seeds and I had them in a closet so I had to clip and LST them.

Ok dude but still.... 75 seedlings? Man what I would give to be able to do that. I would never step inside my house. On both my 1st 2 grows I would literally spend hours just sitting in the closet looking at them. I genuinely had a shit ton of fun and was hooked from the jump!
First year I grew I had 12 plants growing at one time. One was a photoperiod plant outside. That one plant I did a huge amount of LST, topping repeatedly and didn't think it would finish before snow fall. I harvested it over a week and a half. It had huge buds as big around as my calf. Way to much to trim at once, I wet trim. I got over a pound from it but by the time I finished harvesting I had five days with no sun and constant rain and powdery mildew and budrot managed to ruin 1/4 pound before I had time to harvest the last amount.

I grew about 18 autos total that Summer. My first plant was a small auto that yielded only about 1/3 ounce. I was disappointed. Later ones of various strains yielded anywhere from 1 ounce to 5 ounces. Now when growing autos I rarely do any LST at all and maybe only top once. I usually just let them grow and pull off leaves when they are dying.

I have three White Widow/Northern Lights plants in 1 gallon pots finishing up outside. I have really defoliated them of fan leaves and taken about half the buds off one last week. Next five days are going to be cloudy and rainy but I don't think they are ready yet, I checked the buds I cut with a microscope and last week they only had a bit of amber trichomes and I want to let them go a bit more to get more of the couch lock I like. First time I have ever grown in such a small pot size. They were just plant and let grow. Very little care. I've gotten lazy.

I went out and counted the seedlings from just throwing seeds on the ground again today as they are getting bigger. 75-76 seedlings. Probably a week old and they look better than ones I grow inside in a tent at that age under LEDs and T5 lights.
Quick question in case anybody knows. As I already mentioned im using an LED light that says its 1000w but it only pulls 150w. Does anyone know what would be the equivalent of wattage if it were a MH or HPS?
125-150 mh/hps..
After watching hundreds if not thousands of grows I believe that Hydroponics (DWC, Coco, Rock Wool) is a solid grow style. True Living Soil is a solid grow style. Salt fed soil mixes are not so solid. I am not saying it cannot be done and done well. I just see it go wrong in a much higher number than the other styles of growing. This means it has a steeper learning curve. Plants pay the price but you have to start somewhere. There is no better teacher than doing it :pass:
First year I grew I had 12 plants growing at one time. One was a photoperiod plant outside. That one plant I did a huge amount of LST, topping repeatedly and didn't think it would finish before snow fall. I harvested it over a week and a half. It had huge buds as big around as my calf. Way to much to trim at once, I wet trim. I got over a pound from it but by the time I finished harvesting I had five days with no sun and constant rain and powdery mildew and budrot managed to ruin 1/4 pound before I had time to harvest the last amount.

I grew about 18 autos total that Summer. My first plant was a small auto that yielded only about 1/3 ounce. I was disappointed. Later ones of various strains yielded anywhere from 1 ounce to 5 ounces. Now when growing autos I rarely do any LST at all and maybe only top once. I usually just let them grow and pull off leaves when they are dying.

I have three White Widow/Northern Lights plants in 1 gallon pots finishing up outside. I have really defoliated them of fan leaves and taken about half the buds off one last week. Next five days are going to be cloudy and rainy but I don't think they are ready yet, I checked the buds I cut with a microscope and last week they only had a bit of amber trichomes and I want to let them go a bit more to get more of the couch lock I like. First time I have ever grown in such a small pot size. They were just plant and let grow. Very little care. I've gotten lazy.

I went out and counted the seedlings from just throwing seeds on the ground again today as they are getting bigger. 75-76 seedlings. Probably a week old and they look better than ones I grow inside in a tent at that age under LEDs and T5 lights.

Damn bro that first one u described was a freakin monster! Man keep in touch, for real, I really wanna see the outcome of all those seedlings.
125-150 mh/hps..

Thx for that. Now im considering putting the other "so called" 1000w LED together with my other "1000w". IDK... what do yall think? Remember im only growing 1 plant so would that even be necessary? N the other LED i have uses that purple lighting which I aint too sure about.
After watching hundreds if not thousands of grows I believe that Hydroponics (DWC, Coco, Rock Wool) is a solid grow style. True Living Soil is a solid grow style. Salt fed soil mixes are not so solid. I am not saying it cannot be done and done well. I just see it go wrong in a much higher number than the other styles of growing. This means it has a steeper learning curve. Plants pay the price but you have to start somewhere. There is no better teacher than doing it :pass:

Man looking at all the crazy shit n all the changes I had to make cuz I was fed a bunch of garbage information... Im really just considering circling back to my original plan and go DWC. Honestly... I spent good $ on these seeds n I really dont wanna experiment with something ive never done and kno nothing about, then run the risk of trashing my seeds and wasting that $. Yeah I think thats what im gonna do. Once ive gotten the hang of autos in DWC then maybe I'll give soil a shot. But truthfully I have a bad feeling that if I move forward with soil its gonna be a disaster and a huge waste of hard earned $.
Yeah ManO.... So I just decided to ditch the soil experiment and go with something I know... DWC. IDK... I guess I just feel like I'd have more control over a situation if something went wrong with DWC than with soil. Im trying to enjoy myself like I did on my last 2 grows. Not continuously stress if im doing it right. Ill leave soil for another day.