
... gnats can be controlled with mosquito dunks, or better granules; there's a liquid suspension product too made for gnats,... both have the same ingredient, a species of bacterium that kills them when ingested,... Making a little "tea" with them will speed effectiveness: for about 1gal dechlorinated water, add 2T molasses, a dash of nutes, and about 2T or so of the granules or crushed puck and mix it up well; aerate with a basic aquarium bubbler for a day or so,... water at least a pint into each pot, and it's dyin' time!

It's the larvae that are a problem, nibbling on roots,.. adults are little more than flying gonads, more obnoxious that problematic aside from them breeding. The dose should last for weeks, maybe the whole grow,.. not limits on application so re-dose if needed,...
Good news on the spider- that's not a brown recluse!
View attachment 749539... it looks like a wolf spider I think,...too hairy to be a recluse, thank gods... the infection from their bites is like flesh eating Staph', worst nightmare ever,...

...looks like me chum
Fairlynew has you covered otherwise,...

Plants look great![/Awe