New Grower My 1st Grow.....

they so damn perky when lights on and I never seem get shots of them when they look their best, today I'm do it, so ya can see for yourself.
I took shots this morning, but i'm wait for them to wake so I can get shots of them standing tall & very Perky so you can actually see when they needing rest.
my tent is setup inside one of them bug tent's for camping, lmao it's like extra layer of security from bugs & pests and things of that nature...right at entrance of tent i have that sticky paper. I gown up even for taken shots of them or opening it for any reason.
maybe that's why my friends say my stuff is "Breaking Bad" Type Shit! :smoking::biggrin::d5::cheers:
yes, for sure will be cooler in basement, which is what you want. btw how many hours a day lights are on?
im just goin with 24/0 cause of my conditions and power company being able to tell when power goes on and off Im just doing 24/7
my tent is setup inside one of them bug tent's for camping, lmao it's like extra layer of security from bugs & pests and things of that nature...right at entrance of tent i have that sticky paper. I gown up even for taken shots of them or opening it for any reason.
lol that's hardcore dude....nice
im just goin with 24/0 cause of my conditions and power company being able to tell when power goes on and off Im just doing 24/7
how much power your running dude?
dude, no need worry about using 19/5 then a hair dryer is like 1500watts bro, a/c probably more...just off-set power usage try reduce what is on in house, keep lights off, unless needed. things like that to off-set it helps & me, i run lil over 1000w and not worry about that.