New Grower My 1st Grow.....

remember co2 is a gas and will fall to floor have fan very low blowing back up and moving it around.
might as well be growing outside if gonna let animals into your grow room & contaminate it,IMO of course!
plus cross contamination animal fur on clothes and you enter it goes on plants,because they sticky. so thats where gowns come in for me. it takes that problem completely away
the idea growing inside is to have complete control of your environment, right?
I have 2 dogs, Doberman & poodle both not allowed near my space.:smokeit:
plus cross contamination animal fur on clothes and you enter it goes on plants,because they sticky. so thats where gowns come in for me. it takes that problem completely away
yeah I change clothes before I go in cause I know I have cat hair on me....lmao