Indoor Multi Strain Auto Grow by Pop22

A few pics today. I have one Mazar auto that I moved to the small tent. A couple days ago she was as wide as the tent! So I hacked her up good!
Might not seem obvious but I took more that 1/2 of the foliage! I'll get a pic of her today a little later. Right now I'm about to get the cover back on my greenhouse.

Mazar in hte scrog is doing very well, building nice colas. I put her back on 17/7.

Mazar in small tent pic2 -4-4-2021.png
Mazar in small tent pic1 -4-4-2021.png
Mazar in srog pic2 -4-1-2021.jpg
Mazar in srog pic1 -4-1-2021.jpg
And in my other tents the ladies are doing well! In the front tent, the Mazar I call my muffin plant... has turned into a mountain! She's getting close, the pistils are beginning to shrivel and the trich are 60% or so cloudy. Clipped a bud and dries it......ohhh yeah! She's going to be a potent one!

The Mazar in the photoperiod tent is building some nice colas also. Even though she's crowded and stuck in a corner, she's going to make some good bud. I figure three more weeks or so for her.

And a group shot of the photoperiod tent. Got a new phone and I love the camera! No more redish pics!

Mazar in tent1 pic1 -4-8-2021.jpg
Mazar in tent2 pic1 -4-8-2021.jpg
Photoperiod tent pic1 -4-8-2021.jpg
And in my other tents the ladies are doing well! In the front tent, the Mazar I call my muffin plant... has turned into a mountain! She's getting close, the pistils are beginning to shrivel and the trich are 60% or so cloudy. Clipped a bud and dries it......ohhh yeah! She's going to be a potent one!

The Mazar in the photoperiod tent is building some nice colas also. Even though she's crowded and stuck in a corner, she's going to make some good bud. I figure three more weeks or so for her.

And a group shot of the photoperiod tent. Got a new phone and I love the camera! No more redish pics!

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Very nice :cheers::baked:
Photoperiods nearing the end! maybe two more weeks . Wedding cake exploded! Colas suddenly swelled alot! I can't wait to sample her, she does smell a bit light vanilla frosting! Considering how crowded she's been, the Blueberry Headband is doing very well also. The Mazar to the left is building nice colas also, though she is slow to do so.

Going to be an interesting harvest! And my Black Ducks are smelling wonderful also. The one near the front is getting ripe, the one in the rear.... don't know what she's doing besides making leaves lol!

Photoperiod tent pic1 -4-23-2021.jpg
All tents doing well! Photos are about ready but will have to stay up until I get back from AZ on the 10th. Should be some fat buds by them! Got some fat buds now really! I'd chop now but my trim and cure method requires more time than I have, so they'll wait. And gee, it would just break my heart to come home and see them even fatter lol!

Small tent Mazar is looking real good. Looks like a different pheno from the others. Got the Northern Lights autos ( Linda Seeds ) that were suppose to go in the greenhouse re-potted and in the small tent for now. They'll be too old to trtansplant into the raised beds by the time the new cover comes so I'll just send them out in the pots to finish.

In the other tent, the Trizzlers were transplanted into 2 gallon pots. Ones definitely a runt but I'll let her take up space lol! Stuck a couple tomato plants in there too just for giggles. The three Fat Blueberry autos are looking real good. Tent's going to fill up nicely.

The GF clone if getting very tall. Might put her in a 5 gallon pot and send her to the greenhouse Bet she'll get huge!

Black Duck plant1 pic1 -4-27-2021.jpg
Black Duck plant2 pic1 -4-27-2021.jpg
Blueberry autos pic1 -4-27-2021.jpg
Guerilla Fume pic1 -4-27-2021.jpg
Mazar plant 1 pic1 -4-27-2021.jpg
Mazar plant 3 pic1 -4-27-2021.jpg
Photo tent pic1 -4-27-2021.jpg
Small tent -mazar and northern lights pic1 -4-27-2021.jpg
Tomato plant1 - pic1 -4-27-2021.jpg
Trizzlers pic1 -4-27-2021.jpg
Wedding Cake pic1 -4-27-2021.jpg
Well.................. lots has happened since my last post here, mostly because I took a trip to Az to see my daughter. Then got stuck there an extra day ( i didn't mind lol ). Since I Got home last week, I've chopped most of the photo periods, except for the Black Ducks. I just took down the two Gorrila Glue autos. After I chop the ducks, I'll be moving the current autos to the tent in the rear, also powered by a Diablo light, I just need the full tray of the front tent.......... because I'm finally going to do it, I'm setting up my 30 gallon "shorty" pot. It will be filled with my organic soil mix. I'll be growing a Sweet Seeds Green Poison XXL auto. Going to see how big she can get!

The photos chopped so far are:

2 Linda Seeds Mazar XL autos that didn't auto lol. They gave a nice hau of bud though!

Wedding Cake
She was wide and short and gave some very nice buds!

The two Gorilla Glue autos where from different companies. I'm not sure which is which and that's intentional. I'm keeping the bud separate and will do a smoke test of each plant. Growth wise, they started of very differently. One was much slower than the other after sprout, yet they ended close in size. Nope, didn't measure them, I was more interested in observing their growth and physical differences, bud structure etc. I believe one cliams to be bred from an original clone. The other I've grown before, Linda Seeds auto, makes no such claim. Both look mighty fine though!

Almost forgot the Blueberry Headband! Took a sample from her and OOOOooohhh yeah! If you haven't tried BH, you really need to if your a Sativa lover.
And she gave up some decent bud too! Considering how packed that tent was, I'm amazed at how little popcorn I ended up with overall. Very pleased with this grow, and I give a lot of credit to the light!

Sorry, missing pics of the smaller Mazar.


Mazar pic1 -5-13-2021.jpg

Wedding Cake

Wedding Cake pic1 -5-14-2021.jpg
Wedding Cake Bud pic1 -5-14-2021.jpg

Blueberry Headband

Blueberry Headband pic2 -5-12-2021.jpg

Gorilla Glue Plant 1

Gorilla Glue auto P1 pic1 -5-18-2021.jpg
Gorilla Glue auto P1 Bud pic1 -5-18-2021.jpg

Gorilla Glue Plant 2

Gorilla Glue auto P2 pic1 -5-18-2021.jpg
Gorilla Glue auto P2 Bud pic1 -5-18-2021.jpg
Now I still have 7 Northern Lights autos, 2 Trizzlers, a Mazar, that also didn't auto, and.... I will have to look. Ohh and a Gorrilla Fume ( clone only strain ) that I'm going to take clones from then might just can the mother for now, I'll need the space. Pics tomorrow!