New Grower 4th Grow - Mephisto - Sour Stomper, Wizard's Apprentice, 3BOG

hi pal,,,:holymoly: you've been having problems,,,don't give up ,,just a learning curve :thumbsup:

the attached guide really does contain all you need to know

you need to work out a feeding and watering schedule ,,a bit of this and that for a new grower is dicey :chef:, your starting soil for seeds needs to be mild, what ever the nute bottle says use a quarter dose,,,:goodluck:


  • Mephisto-Genetics-Basic-Grow Guide-2017 V1.pdf
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Don't take this wrong brother, but if you can't get a grasp on an organic grow, you sure as hell don't want to use coco.

Organics is really easy way to grow good quality canna. The biggest problem people have is a "Chemical Grow Mindset". They get caught up in an additive addiction. They think they are not growing properly unless they have 15 things in their compost tea or top dressing. That's not for you or any other organic newbie. With experience, you can add other techniques of growing.

You need just have a full grow with no problems under your belt.

Ya have to start off with quality media. Using the KISS(Keep It simple Stupid) Mindset, I would suggest using Build A Soil and get a water only mix. It probably will need help in flower and most likely too hot for direct plant, that's easy to overcome..............transplant or just plant into a patch of plain potting media. It's an easy method if you're an organic newbie and even more so being a successful organic canna newbie.

Minimalistic organic ingredients:
1. Earthworm dress and compost tea.
2. Good quality compost
3. Horticulture Molasses I've used Medina for 30 years $10 gal Simple feed in the water and compost tea
4 Kelp I like Thorvin kelp. Can top dress, but I think best in tea
5. Powdered Yucca........Since you have had problems in watering and dry pockets. Use very sparingly and best used when moisteng your media before you pot it up. You can mix a little in your compost tea AFTER brewing.
Those simple ingredients will grow canna quite well.

Bigger is better on organics. Bigger means more microbes, more roots, more of a buffer for soil temps, soil moisture and soil chemistry.

Learn your pots fully saturated weight. Water S L O W L Y. Water one girl a little and move to another and so on giving time for the water to soak in until they are fully watered.

Try to hit your VPD and the veg and flower stages. As a long time outdoor organic farmer, I've known of VPD, but with no real control of it, it just info. Growing canna is far different.
Know your lights. Learn the specs and make sure not to have too much intensity.

Just a bare bones take on organics. Pay attention to the details and the plant will take care of herself with the environment you gave her.

I hope you find this helpful. I've tried to make it simple as possible, but very effective.
Gonna provide an update.

Since calibrating my PH pen and feeding only water for the last week or so, things seem to have stabilized. I haven't noticed new decay in the leaves of thing 1, and the buds still seem to be packing on weight.

Today I watered her with a low dose of balanced nutrients. I pray she takes to them kindly.

Here she is with flash, because she looks better that way:

Here she is without flash, because I want to know if she has any shot at growing into something dense:

I am curious to hear feedback. At this point, would you recommend trimming the decaying leaves?

Do you think she has the potential to produce decent nugs? I am noticing a lot of frost and a pretty nice smell, but I don't see the thick calyxs I would prefer to see. There is also a section in the middle of the plant with reallllly tightly packed buds. These buds pretty much overlap and its a nice little zone i'd like to shrink down and live inside. But i'm worried about mold.

My goal is another 2-3 weeks of growth, which will put me at what, like 80 days? I don't know. I will continue to post pictures here sporadically because I am curious to hear from yall if you can see growth continuing to happen. I could be biased, but I think she is still growing.

As an added bonus, thing #2 looks ok. She is another sour stomper plant and believe it or not shes like almost a month old. She just got super stunted because I didn't water her at all for 2 weeks. Now she is tiny and flouring. Yesterday the leaves looked really flat and nice, like i see in pictures. Today she was a little droopy so I fed her plain water. Now she is still a little droopy but I'm hoping she prays soon.

There are pistils showing already (not good but at least she's a chick):



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Here are some trich pics. Am I nearing harvest time? The plant feels pretty damn leafy. Feels dense, but very "plant-like" and not very smoke like.


Nice save you made there. . Looking back, do you think you could have salvaged what you pulled?
You mentioned growing in garage. Possible to move into house? I'd think it'd be much easier to maintain some consistency as far as temp and humidity.
Nice save you made there. . Looking back, do you think you could have salvaged what you pulled?
You mentioned growing in garage. Possible to move into house? I'd think it'd be much easier to maintain some consistency as far as temp and humidity.

Thanks! It feels pretty good so far. Im looking forward to drying and curing it.

I don't think I have the ability to move it indoors yet. I don't have many electrical outlets and I don't have a great way to vent the filter out of a window. I've considered running the exhaust tube a few inches up the chimney but I don't know if that would work. It does kinda smell in my garage as it is a closed loop. I will need to move to a new house.
Harvest and dry is complete. 6 day dry in the tent at 45% humidity and 65 degrees. Now she's in a giant jar curing up. She smells good! No hay smell. Smells like a solid hybrid. I get some citrus that i'd describe as "sour", along with a distinct sugary pastry taste that I always attribute to "cookies" strains - presumably resulting from the stomper portion of this strain's genetics.

Density? Not super dense, but also not very larfy. It seems to be getting denser as it spends time in the jar.

Harvest and dry is complete. 6 day dry in the tent at 45% humidity and 65 degrees. Now she's in a giant jar curing up. She smells good! No hay smell. Smells like a solid hybrid. I get some citrus that i'd describe as "sour", along with a distinct sugary pastry taste that I always attribute to "cookies" strains - presumably resulting from the stomper portion of this strain's genetics.

Density? Not super dense, but also not very larfy. It seems to be getting denser as it spends time in the jar.

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Nice grow. I have grown in hydro, soil and coco but not organics yet. Wish I cud help you but I know nothing about organics.