Indoor MrAutoGrower Grows Mephisto - Purple Nuggets, 3Wok OG & Jammy Dodgers

Strawberry nuggets is showing sex which upsets me really. Her first set of leaves wer yellowing and she was drooping. She spent 15 days in a solo cup and went root bound. I’m wondering if it’s sending her into flower early, or if she naturally flowers very early. She’s 17 days old and I’ve noticed she’s shown sex today. She has been looking hungry or it’s hust because she’s went root bound. Anyway I had transplanted her two days ago I think and she’s still been looking unhappy and has reddish stems. I’ve upped her feed to 2ml at 458 ppms but I feel like it’s gonna be too much for her and stress her further. All I can do is wait until tomorrow and check f she perks up. I haven’t fed her to Run off in her 3gal yet. I was wanting to wait until she got a bit bigger. I Fed her 1ml grow yesterday with some b vitamins for the stress she’s seemed to suffer from. I upped the feed in case it was hunger. Probably will Be issues from going root bound though. hoping she doesn’t flower too soon on me! However she is still establishing a new set of leaves almost over night so it is a bit odd with the drooping and red stems. I’ll check to see if she’s getting too much light later. But she is not directly under one.





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I’m not sure if me keeping her in a solo cup for too long has caused her to age quicker.
Plants tend to finish quicker in a small container such as the Solocup. At least, as I have observed with my previous grow :thumbsup:
Plants tend to finish quicker in a small container such as the Solocup. At least, as I have observed with my previous grow :thumbsup:
It seems that when the roots reach the bottom of their pot, they tend to flower
Plants tend to finish quicker in a small container such as the Solocup. At least, as I have observed with my previous grow :thumbsup:

For sure bro. Some people have said soon as they reach the end of the pot they can Go into flower. It’s either genetic which I doubt, or the fact I Fed her 1ml advanced nutrients Sensi coco grow too early. I must have been baked when i done that because I was feeding her half dose so I mustive done 1ml by accident. Not sure if a slightly higher feed can influence flower but who knows. The transplant went well in my eyes though. No roots dropped, or anything obvious. Potted her into mycorrhizae hole. I’ve decided to bend her over a little because I figured I better try make the most out of her because she’s prob not got long left until she starts trying to flower :crying:


Just slight bend to try get her main stem to grow outwards. She’s looked unhappy ever since the first 1ml feed. She is growing a new set of leaves every day it seems. But her first set started to yellow
After checking growdiaries it seems the majority of the yields are very little. Most of them are flowering in week three.
It seems that when the roots reach the bottom of their pot, they tend to flower

If you recall I had a similar question regarding when to transplant from solo cup to bigger pot. My girl had a few roots that were coming out of the base of the cup, so I transplanted her immediately and luckily it didn't affect her one little bit. I feel we shouldn't wait for a fixed period of time (as in 14 or 15 days), but transplant as soon as the roots start reaching the base of the cup.
If you recall I had a similar question regarding when to transplant from solo cup to bigger pot. My girl had a few roots that were coming out of the base of the cup, so I transplanted her immediately and luckily it didn't affect her one little bit. I feel we shouldn't wait for a fixed period of time (as in 14 or 15 days), but transplant as soon as the roots start reaching the base of the cup.

Definitely bro. I left her an additional two Days in her solo cup because she had a yellowing issue on her first set of leaves. Either from root bound or my 1ml feed. But if anything she should have had leaf tip burn. My jammy dodgers flowered quite early too. I don’t know f it’s down to the growers that are causing them to flower early, or genetics. But most I’ve seen online all remain short and flower really early in terms of strawberry nuggets. Once my 3Wok is out I will have space for fastbuds tester seed. So I will stick with really light feeds on her and see what happens. I tend to transplant no More than 14 days max. But she was transplanted at day 16. She was drooping wince the 1ml feed so I fed her again to see if she’d perk up so I could transplant, but she never did. So i Just transplanted


Mephisto states it remains short and bushy (same as my purple nuggets too), and that she reaches her flowering cycle very quickly. More than likely genetics for us growers that grew her and had same situation
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