Outdoor Mon's Auto & Photo Outdoor Guerillia Grow Adventure 2017


Ok all viewers, i coudn't resist and wait until tomorrow, so i moved my fat ass on my bycicle to give "Harmony Place" a first visit after they have been moved out to nature and thanks to my brandnew Galaxy S 8 i can do it mobile...a little overview...View attachment 754242

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aha...i see i have to spin pics...lets try others
it's now 7.28 pm and they still join sunlight...groupshot

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the experiment...autoultimate and +speed in 18 liter pot together...
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aha i have to spin to the left side..

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i moved them 2 meters so they still join sunlight at 7.40 pm cet new group shot....
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and now i'll give the "Rough Place" a short visit....Happy Growing all Gladiators on AFN doing the Guerilla Style...Wooohaaa!:vibe::headbang:
cheers to harmony place!
group shot...
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another +speed...
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another au...
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another am...
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and the first cbd...
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so...next week the next 12 pots will join the nature....let's battle all gladiators out there growing guerilla style:headbang:

since i entered on AFN i fell good new ganja vibes in my old bones and awaking strengh in my stinky flesh...hahaha Happy Growing AFN!
cheers to rough place!