Outdoor Moby Dick xxl .... haze xxl.... Dinafem

Apr 16, 2018
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Hello green people,

This is my first proper grow journal and FIRST auto grow...

After talking to the guys at Dinafem I went with Moby Dick xxl and Haze xxl (still waiting for these seeds though). It’s great when a seed or soil company has time to communicate with even the smallest customers.

Seedling room setup:

1x led light strip

1x13w T5

5x15 LED bulbs (1300lumen 4000k)

~~8500 lumen

3/3 beans sprouted after 24 hours so...

I made “transplant pots” and cut 75% away and dropped them into secondary pots.

10l pots 3/4 full with plagron Royal mix with some more perlite added and some handfuls of biobizz worm humus

At the top of the pots is a sphere of plagron light mix with extra perlite and then filled around with Royal mix.

I hope 10l will be sufficient for 2 weeks of veg at home.

Then when night temps are a bit higher I’m gonna put them in the ground.

There is terrible clay soil where I’m growing, so I’m gonna dig some pretty big holes in the ground and do some soil enriching...

I’m gonna drop in another 10-15l Royal mix into each hole

Here’s where I’m open to advice....

One idea: (i have about 30 l extra worm casting) so I was thinking of mixing worm castings and seabird guano and a lot of perlite into the native soil that will be surrounding the fresh royal mix I’m gonna put in

Or: (I have 40l of extra plagron light mix) so.... I could spice that up with the seabird guano, worm castings, and perlite and have that as the dirt on the edge of the holes

Spice up native clay soil or spice up light mix?

My theory is like subcool supersoil: the seeds will start in the light mix balls then after a week+ they will hit the royal mix then after another week I’ll put them in the ground and then when the roots reach a good size they will hit the p-k enriched soil when flowering starts...


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I hope 10l will be sufficient for 2 weeks of veg at home.

10 liters for 2 weeks will be tons of root expansion room!!

Clay based soil can be rough to work with....depending...when its wet does it turn into a sticky mess? If you dig a hole and fill it with water how long does it take to drain out?
Aliiiiive... day 6 from start of germination...

Just gave them 3ml/l GO bio root last night...


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I think I will use up the light mix soil and lots of perlite and maybe throw in some native soil for fun...

Think it makes more sense to mix a bunch of coco and perlite with the soil?

Or just heaps of perlite?

10 liters for 2 weeks will be tons of root expansion room!!

Clay based soil can be rough to work with....depending...when its wet does it turn into a sticky mess? If you dig a hole and fill it with water how long does it take to drain out?
View attachment 904026 Mobies 21st bday
Hazes which I tried to kill with my ignorance are coming back... day 13

Royal mix let me down so...
I started fish mix on Monday 1ml/l spray and water 1l each plant of 1ml/l fish

And today spray with 1ml/l algamic
And water 1.67ml/l Fish mix(I’m using 1.5 liter bottles for mixing so...2.5ml/1.5l)

Water with algamic maybe Thursday And fish mix again maybe Saturday? We’ll see...

Oh and using phosphoric acid to bring down ph.... which I’m starting to bring closer to 6.0 from today... maybe some GO root plus and some neem oil in the mix...

In the photo you can see my nettles (testing the companion planting idea) and I have a thousand basil seeds planted around the greenhouse perimeter (same idea) but the bastard ants are bringing some aphids and those blood sucking little fly bastards are starting to be more abundant so neem oil or home garlic water shall be applied ....
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