Thai geno? What is that?
There’s an old legend ... lmao:crying:

There’s a trait attributed to the Thai race that can allow perpetual/ multiple harvesting.
Alligator tails is what they call it I think

I think DJ short mentions it briefly in his book also, it can work out or be a recipe for disaster.. all about timing. Something along those lines ... seems true
So far all the smoke is hash material except for the one front plant ...
others needed more time but just couldn’t give it without problems occurring (Pm)
But the ones still puffing up look nice lol
These are science experiments now
Just monitoring the growing, they just keep chucking new whites and wanting more...
Should have kept feeding right until now then went water.. I sneak 400-500 ppms in still gonna stop on 14th I think maybe today once I get the scope out again and check trichomes..
But these seem to be energizer bunnies .. going and going and going

I’ll leave this up until it goes right blackout
(It’s one in the back above green stick)


The one to the left just shows in the calix not the leaves... could be interesting
They still shining in the flashes...

Incase you missed it my neighbor has a tree that’s the mother spore... and she won’t cut it down... joke she’s upwind from everybody also... just selfish
Interesting bud structure. I'm a noob so I don't know what it means though.
Foxtails, usually from heat stress or genetics
I’m thinking both, should have cut it down last week or so. Could be cause of that?
I believe it’s a Sativa thing.
I’m pushing this just because, glad I did because I would have missed all the fun, maybe start later in season for outdoor, gonna see what happens inside real soon gonna get interesting.
K new pictures gonna kill the tall one this weekend
I’ll leave em small


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Definitely 90 days... this is fucked lol

Wash station

Let to right
Baking soda , lemon hydrogen peroxide, water water hose
Look at the shit washed main cola 2 times lol

I don’t even wanna know what the hose washed away (mist settings light)
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