Auto Seeds MissUniverse's 2019 Autoseeds Growbattle thread

That is the kind if verifiable report on SA I am looking for keep it up and Thank you!
Well I still have the whole grow ahead of me. But so far so good... while the product dosent show any organic certification company certification for being organic, it is organic because of it being a antifungal bacteria
Day 25, had to top up the res. Added 1 gallon of solution with 2 tsp maxigro, 5ml of calmag and for good measure half a ml of a.g. biofungicide. So far I've had no problems but I wanna keep a balance but after this application I will wait till sundays res change for more biofungicide. Everything looks great. I'm running through maxigro fast but the plant drank a gallon of solution in 48 hours. shes going nuts



Day 26, did more defoliation as the plant was growing more than it needed again. Will wait a few days to do it again.


Day 29, still hasent really sexed nor as it preflower at all... when is this supposed to sex and begin turning to preflower? I'm in a weird anxious mood the last few days over things going on with life and need some hand holding.
Yesterday I stopped up the res with 1 gallon water with 2 tsp maxigro
@CannaZone Tier 1 does my plant look ok like it's still within normal for everything for being 29 days old... I dont know if I've seen any of my autos go quite this long usually they sex right around today latest... but I havent done dwc in so long I forget if dwc slows things down a lot. Thanks everyone

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Heres another spot that just sexed. And now the whole plant is beginning to. Now I'm calming down. I get worries with long veg periods although I know the plant will get big.
Smack dab in the center, right side of nose. Literally just sexed
alrighty, :pass:no worries!

A suggestion....don't be calling yourslf names, it suppresses the immune system:biggrin:
Yeah I need a big one, I've been having a hectic time. Hubby is in the hospital, he had been seizing so much he couldn't maintain his airway so he was intubated and sedated because they had to paralyze him so his diaphram could be given a break. He has stopped seizing and has woken up but he is in a haze probably will get out on Monday or Tuesday because theres nothing much the drs can do except make sure he can stay breathing. So I'm sorry.
And yeah I need my immune system in good shape

Sex that late means your gonna have a big girl on your hands
Hope so. I had to defoliate her a lot today... a lot a lot just so I could keep her canopy even and so she could get all the light she needs. Shes got many side shoots. My goal is always 100g with dwc. But if she truly is just sexing now and as long as she truly does finish withing time for the grow battle and I'm not out of smoke... I'll be bi**hing about it taking longer than breeder timing but I also know this is dwc so itll be longer... I fully am expecting it to take 85 days to mature. But if it takes 85 days I'm expecting a realistic 150 grams because this thing a gonna take a good 24inx24in to the point that it may take even more but I have 5 other plants in 3 gallon pots in there... if I get my dream goal of 250g then I'll be satisfied
Yeah I need a big one, I've been having a hectic time. Hubby is in the hospital, he had been seizing so much he couldn't maintain his airway so he was intubated and sedated because they had to paralyze him so his diaphram could be given a break. He has stopped seizing and has woken up but he is in a haze probably will get out on Monday or Tuesday because theres nothing much the drs can do except make sure he can stay breathing. So I'm sorry.
And yeah I need my immune system in good shape

Hope so. I had to defoliate her a lot today... a lot a lot just so I could keep her canopy even and so she could get all the light she needs. Shes got many side shoots. My goal is always 100g with dwc. But if she truly is just sexing now and as long as she truly does finish withing time for the grow battle and I'm not out of smoke... I'll be bi**hing about it taking longer than breeder timing but I also know this is dwc so itll be longer... I fully am expecting it to take 85 days to mature. But if it takes 85 days I'm expecting a realistic 150 grams because this thing a gonna take a good 24inx24in to the point that it may take even more but I have 5 other plants in 3 gallon pots in there... if I get my dream goal of 250g then I'll be satisfied
Try not to focus on time, especially catalog time. Do a good job growing and however long it takes you're getting the best meds for you! You are in a difficult place, strength and honor MissU, and hoping some peace enters your life daily.