Auto Seeds MissUniverse's 2019 Autoseeds Growbattle thread

Thanks for all the answers so far I will shift through it un about 2 hours and reply more but ph is running about 5.9 and my lights are a little clos but cant move them higher. Only on a few leaves that are new. Lights 24 hours. I just am panicking because shes beautiful. Keep talking and throwing input. I want all that I can get. Thank you keep it coming
Is that the only Plant/top showing this? Sometimes when plants shift into flower the roots exude substances that can drop PH radically causing a lock out but if res PH is ok (calibrate your pen) then either nutrients too low or lights were too close. The best diagnostic pictures are taken with a 5000K cfl/led bulb that renders colors best.
Ok need some help, just started appearing on new growth. I changed the res after seeing this.
Deficiency but I'm a little rusty feeling I want someone to hold my hand so I dont fuck up. I have to wait 8 hours to fix it because I'm away from home. Hopefully it's ok for that long.

Would you be able to lend a hand friend @Waira
Just got home. 3 other tips like this. Just check ph. It went to 4.8... yikes. Changing the res again and readjusting ph and checking again every half hour for the next 4 hours. I'll start getting to the backlog and talking more in a minute. But it dosent appear to be any worse.
Heres a photo of the whole plant
Thanks for all the answers so far I will shift through it un about 2 hours and reply more but ph is running about 5.9 and my lights are a little clos but cant move them higher. Only on a few leaves that are new. Lights 24 hours. I just am panicking because shes beautiful. Keep talking and throwing input. I want all that I can get. Thank you keep it coming
I know you run 24hr but have you ever considered 18/6. My plants really benifit from a rest at the end of a long day of intense light and growth. Since you said your lights are as high as they go I'm assuming their closer than you like. Have you doubled back the hangers to gain around 4 more inches? Lights always come with them long metal cables and when I'm outta height I loop them back to double them up and it gets me 4 more inches wich sometimes make a big difference. Or sometimes I've had to build my own and ditch the ratchet hangers as well. Like my old lady says every inch counts ; )
Ok still working on things. Res is ph again at 5.8 and staying that way now.
Heres photos outside the tent.
Now I'm hashing the thread replies over a joint
Today is day 45

Roots are fine

Problem parts
Just saw the new pics my votes light burn/heat stress. With it only being the very top growth and no other leafs damaged and rest of the plant healthy it's really the only thing that makes sense to me plus the tips are curling up wich is first sight of light burn. I'm 90% sure.
dang, wish I could help, you know someone will!
Thank you!
You see that bigger shade leaf to the left of the bud, how it goes from dark green at the tip to a lighter shade and back to dark, thats usually a genetic mutancy.
I think thats the case here. Sometimes itll only show on 1 leaf of the whole plant other times its many. Sometimes itll be yellow directly splitting the leaf in 2, which gives a wild look to it. Exactly one side yellow other perfect green.
It's interesting because how it's yellowing. It looked maybe like ph but my ph was in balance until I got home and it tanked but that wouldn't account for how the plant was acting before is exactly like this... plus I also realized in all my excitement this morning I may not have ph adjusted my res to begin with(oh well live and learn she fared well). And all the new foliage having that reaction makes me think you are right. Because as you said its showing up on new foliage in locations that are in accordance with other appearances and I'm seeing some single sided yellowing (as evidenced in my latest picture post).
Thanks for the help!
Not a mutant you would have seen this throughout the grow. Since its new growth it's most likely not a mobile element like nitrogen bc it would have pulled it from the other leaves. Since its in the transition it could be iron or micro deficiency. But other options maybe a ph fluctuation or maybe your resivior got to hot and caused heat stress. Everyone always jumps to calmag but that can't be ruled out. If it happened very quickly and overnight I'd bet ph or heatstress.
My original thought was deficiency and then I was thinking that obviously it would strike lower first. So I threw my hands up and went "I'm not going to screw up this big of a plant, time for help from the bug boys". I learned the hard way to keep ph checked and has been 5.8 to 6 or so without issue. As I stated above, it did tank after I got home. But I may have forgotten to even adjust the ph. Heat stress is possible. Another thought is temperature stress but my monitor says it's been steadily mid 70's no higher than 76 in the last 24 hours.
Thank you!
my guess is iron,but guessing is dangerous,so i is gonna call in a bit of help @Mañ'O'Green :pass: @Boradan :pass:
good luck n keep er lit.
As you know I use general hydroponic maxiseries and it's in maxibloom part of the series which is "supposed" to be complete... but we know how that goes. So it's all possible and with an aio solution it's not all plants inclusive.
Thank you!
Without being there and knowing the plant like she does an educated guess is all anybody can do on here. DWC has diffrent factors than soil or coco. If it was soil or coco I'd say iron but with DWC buckets temp and ph would be the first culprits I'd look at. Then micro deficiency and others. Also @MissUniverse how close are your lights?
Well I appreciate the educated guesses ;) they are close. And that is a problem. About 12 inches away so now that has me thinking theres part of the problem. I'm just being so overly worried as I said in another reply. I just figure I'll bug some people and I'd rather look silly and it be as simple as the lights than lose a plant because I didnt get the ph balanced. Which btw was in check this morning but when I came home tonight was way off so it definitely made me stay aware of a situation that could have caused me a huge loss. Thank you!
@MissUniverse , I wish I could help but I am a soil girl. Never run DWC /Hydro.
The positive vibes are appreciated and are helping greatly! Thanks!
Im sorry i do soil. And i know everyone jumps to cal mag but in my opinion in soil i would say mag and not because its lacking but because soil ph would be to low... in soil case i would just water in higher ph next few and would green up again... but thats soil i dont know about hydro sorry
Thanks for the help! All good information to have at my disposal. I still run soil too most of the time. This is my fourth attempt at dwc ever. First i pulled 125g off a Tyrone special in 60 days flat. Second i had to ditch. Third was a Tyrone special that failed to produce so i culled it and this one is my fourth.
Oh and its not looking so bad so dont go and do anything drastic. Its prolly better ur not there so u could think about first.
Thanks, and agreed! Sometimes it's worse when you can do too much to the plants! I've done that before!
How long after lights on was this pic taken?
If soon after it is just lighter coloured due to not being hit by light yet. Does not appear deficient imo.

'Carpe diem et fumum veriditas'
I know I replied to this already but for sake of completeness of the thread I do 24 hour lighting, thanks for the help!!!
Looks the same as my last grow!
Turned out that a nitrogen toxicity caused by switching calmag brand and not taking the higher N value into consideration was causing a potassium lockout!! Gave them a good flush, sprayed them with formulex and they all came bouncing back ✌✌
What was your lineup and what were your genetics? I did change the res but if it gets worse I will have to flush and restart. N issues was my very first thought but other way. So I am just a lowly grower of a wonderful plant :)
Just saw the new pics my votes light burn/heat stress. With it only being the very top growth and no other leafs damaged and rest of the plant healthy it's really the only thing that makes sense to me plus the tips are curling up wich is first sight of light burn. I'm 90% sure.
Theres 3 inches between the top of the light intake and the top of the tent. I left the ul listed bare minimum... so this plant is literally outgrowing my tent basically. Awesome