Auto Seeds MissUniverse's 2019 Autoseeds Growbattle thread

Ok need some help, just started appearing on new growth. I changed the res after seeing this.
Deficiency but I'm a little rusty feeling I want someone to hold my hand so I dont fuck up. I have to wait 8 hours to fix it because I'm away from home. Hopefully it's ok for that long.
Not a mutant you would have seen this throughout the grow. Since its new growth it's most likely not a mobile element like nitrogen bc it would have pulled it from the other leaves. Since its in the transition it could be iron or micro deficiency. But other options maybe a ph fluctuation or maybe your resivior got to hot and caused heat stress. Everyone always jumps to calmag but that can't be ruled out. If it happened very quickly and overnight I'd bet ph or heatstress.
my guess is iron,but guessing is dangerous,so i is gonna call in a bit of help @Mañ'O'Green :pass: @Boradan :pass:
good luck n keep er lit.
Without being there and knowing the plant like she does an educated guess is all anybody can do on here. DWC has diffrent factors than soil or coco. If it was soil or coco I'd say iron but with DWC buckets temp and ph would be the first culprits I'd look at. Then micro deficiency and others. Also @MissUniverse how close are your lights?
Not a mutant you would have seen this throughout the grow. Since its new growth it's most likely not a mobile element like nitrogen bc it would have pulled it from the other leaves. Since its in the transition it could be iron or micro deficiency. But other options maybe a ph fluctuation or maybe your resivior got to hot and caused heat stress. Everyone always jumps to calmag but that can't be ruled out. If it happened very quickly and overnight I'd bet ph or heatstress.
It MAY not be,.. but id put my money on it fast, that type of mutancy doesn't show up throughout the entire grow.. sometimes it has it and dont show at all. Ever..And like.I said prior sometime it randomly pops.up on one single leaf of a huge 6 ft tall plant. Showing it dont have to be detected thru the entire grow at all.
My ghost og pheno had it with only one leaf affected and only one spot on that leaf, hence why I named it my white spot pheno.
If they never wilt or become crumbly you'll know its not a problem. Its most likely genetic id bet thats the only plant affected or only that strain in the garden.
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Mutation – Cosmetic (Usually Not Harmful)
Occasionally you may see mutations or natural variation that results in parts of leaves being yellow. The general rule of thumb with any unusual leaf symptom is if the rest of the plant is green, vibrant and healthy, there’s usually nothing to worry about.
Im sorry i do soil. And i know everyone jumps to cal mag but in my opinion in soil i would say mag and not because its lacking but because soil ph would be to low... in soil case i would just water in higher ph next few and would green up again... but thats soil i dont know about hydro sorry
Looks the same as my last grow!
Turned out that a nitrogen toxicity caused by switching calmag brand and not taking the higher N value into consideration was causing a potassium lockout!! Gave them a good flush, sprayed them with formulex and they all came bouncing back ✌✌