Auto Seeds MissUniverse's 2019 Autoseeds Growbattle thread

Please read the previous post regarding help with new growth turning yellow in dwc. Help please thank you

:jointman: Hey MissU'! ...did this get into Sick Bay yet? No matter, I'll make a house call- :rofl: -- how many doctors am I holding up? :baked: :doc3: ....let me pull this light bulb outta my turd hatch:idea: and have a better look,... :crying:....

>>> So, this is looking much like Zn defc. to me,... I see light stress signs too, in those up-turned margin "teeth", how far away are the lights, and what brand.model? ...could be some of both in play here,.... did you have a pH hiccup recently? Zn can be pretty touchy in hydro....
How about res' ppm's, any funny bizz there also, and what does 2tsp (per gal?) get you for total ppm's? ... what's the base ppm, that is, the water alone, then with Ca-Mg added? Tips look a little cooked but not bad at all,... Maxibloom is complete nutrition, but sometimes, with blasting light (oh what's the sched' there?) it may not be enough,...
Is it progressing, slowing, halted..?
It's early enough to do a foliar spray if you like, but you'll need the right products first; a dedicated micronute supp' (I like Earth Juice Microblast), and a wetting agent (Coco-Wet is excellent)... this helps the soln. coat and stick better, not just bead up... more surface area covered = more absorbed -- and to that end be sure to get the undersides of the leaves in particular, more stomata there vs. topside.... do it during lights on though, when transpiration is active- :thumbsup:.... If you want to kick max-ass, get some Optic Foliar Transport for use with the Microblast! Transport allows temporary penetration through the leaf cuticle, lets the dissolved stuff sink right on in... kinda like DMSO for plants need for wetting agent if that's used BTW....
:jointman: Hey MissU'! ...did this get into Sick Bay yet? No matter, I'll make a house call- :rofl: -- how many doctors am I holding up? :baked: :doc3: ....let me pull this light bulb outta my turd hatch:idea: and have a better look,... :crying:....

>>> So, this is looking much like Zn defc. to me,... I see light stress signs too, in those up-turned margin "teeth", how far away are the lights, and what brand.model? ...could be some of both in play here,.... did you have a pH hiccup recently? Zn can be pretty touchy in hydro....
How about res' ppm's, any funny bizz there also, and what does 2tsp (per gal?) get you for total ppm's? ... what's the base ppm, that is, the water alone, then with Ca-Mg added? Tips look a little cooked but not bad at all,... Maxibloom is complete nutrition, but sometimes, with blasting light (oh what's the sched' there?) it may not be enough,...
Is it progressing, slowing, halted..?
It's early enough to do a foliar spray if you like, but you'll need the right products first; a dedicated micronute supp' (I like Earth Juice Microblast), and a wetting agent (Coco-Wet is excellent)... this helps the soln. coat and stick better, not just bead up... more surface area covered = more absorbed -- and to that end be sure to get the undersides of the leaves in particular, more stomata there vs. topside.... do it during lights on though, when transpiration is active- :thumbsup:.... If you want to kick max-ass, get some Optic Foliar Transport for use with the Microblast! Transport allows temporary penetration through the leaf cuticle, lets the dissolved stuff sink right on in... kinda like DMSO for plants need for wetting agent if that's used BTW....
No it didnt get over because I wasnt thinking :doh: sorry. That's my fault.
The lights are Mars hydro 600 led old series from 2016 or 2017 they are on 24 hr a day. They are as far up as I can get them at 12 inches above the plants. The ph was at 5.8 to about 6 throughout the lifetime of the plant. Today, after getting home I originally thought the ph went off balance, however I believe I never balanced the ph after the res change this morning. And of course as soon as I went to use my ppm pen to get you the exact measurements, I dropped the pen and I am in such a tizzy right now and not at my desk I cant find my notes. I want to say with maxibloom was averaging 700-850ppm but dont quote me on exacts... I'm not sure on h2o only nor the h2o and calmag only. I'm not good with ppm yet. I'm still learning. So I could have messed that up too!
It's not progressing. The growth is progressing its growing without issue and when I just checked the new growth now its growing green
...ah, if it's not worsening, it may have been a brief pH hiccup,... or the fresh nutes are pumping in well enough! Roger that on the height,.. are they on ratchet? I've had to remove those, tinker with the cables and hang directly off the support bar to buy some space! Mars unit may be good fortune, it's not the total blaster that newer more powerful lights are, those would be frying the tops at that distance,.. consider dropping down to 20/4....
:eek1: noooo! Did you bust the TDS meter? grrrrrr,.....

no worries on the ppm details,... forgot to ask what the water source is, if it's RO/Di/really low ppm water,.... at 700-850ppm total I think you're okay, maybe a bit hot,... it's good to know what your water+Ca-Mg base is though, for extrapolating what your base nutes' ppm's are.....
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When your root ball gets big like that there is only room for 2 - 2.5 gallons of nutrients in the reservoir. It is very difficult to keep the PH in range and the nutrient balance in such a small volume of water. It helps to make your mid week additions at ~ 25% strength of what you are using for that week. For example Your fresh reservoir is set at 800PPMs (not counting your starting water) then as you add make-up water all week until the next reservoir change mix it with the same nutrients as the refresh at 200PPMs. This will help maintain the nutrient balance. Or even better is to do a reservoir refresh every 3 days.
^^ THIS IS WHY I LOVE AFN!!! @Waira @Mañ'O'Green you two are fine examples of what all forums should be. @MissUniverse sorry i didn't pick this thread up earlier, i've been recovering from a trip to Spannabis in Barcelona - it was a heavy weekend! Looks like you have some excellent advice here. Accounting for additional root mass in your reservoirs is essential but VEY hard to measure.
Reading the comments from the overnight will reply when I can. Thanks all. Things are looking better so far this morning. Ph got to 6.1 this morning balanced to 5.8 and will let it ride to 6 and stay.
Thank you!

It's interesting because how it's yellowing. It looked maybe like ph but my ph was in balance until I got home and it tanked but that wouldn't account for how the plant was acting before is exactly like this... plus I also realized in all my excitement this morning I may not have ph adjusted my res to begin with(oh well live and learn she fared well). And all the new foliage having that reaction makes me think you are right. Because as you said its showing up on new foliage in locations that are in accordance with other appearances and I'm seeing some single sided yellowing (as evidenced in my latest picture post).
Thanks for the help!

My original thought was deficiency and then I was thinking that obviously it would strike lower first. So I threw my hands up and went "I'm not going to screw up this big of a plant, time for help from the bug boys". I learned the hard way to keep ph checked and has been 5.8 to 6 or so without issue. As I stated above, it did tank after I got home. But I may have forgotten to even adjust the ph. Heat stress is possible. Another thought is temperature stress but my monitor says it's been steadily mid 70's no higher than 76 in the last 24 hours.
Thank you!

As you know I use general hydroponic maxiseries and it's in maxibloom part of the series which is "supposed" to be complete... but we know how that goes. So it's all possible and with an aio solution it's not all plants inclusive.
Thank you!

Well I appreciate the educated guesses ;) they are close. And that is a problem. About 12 inches away so now that has me thinking theres part of the problem. I'm just being so overly worried as I said in another reply. I just figure I'll bug some people and I'd rather look silly and it be as simple as the lights than lose a plant because I didnt get the ph balanced. Which btw was in check this morning but when I came home tonight was way off so it definitely made me stay aware of a situation that could have caused me a huge loss. Thank you!

The positive vibes are appreciated and are helping greatly! Thanks!

Thanks for the help! All good information to have at my disposal. I still run soil too most of the time. This is my fourth attempt at dwc ever. First i pulled 125g off a Tyrone special in 60 days flat. Second i had to ditch. Third was a Tyrone special that failed to produce so i culled it and this one is my fourth.

Thanks, and agreed! Sometimes it's worse when you can do too much to the plants! I've done that before!

I know I replied to this already but for sake of completeness of the thread I do 24 hour lighting, thanks for the help!!!

What was your lineup and what were your genetics? I did change the res but if it gets worse I will have to flush and restart. N issues was my very first thought but other way. So I am just a lowly grower of a wonderful plant :)
Yea I definitely think thats what it is pop enough seeds and every1 will eventually run into this cosmetic mutation. Its no biggie and IME they usually potent.
Ok still working on things. Res is ph again at 5.8 and staying that way now.
Heres photos outside the tent.
Now I'm hashing the thread replies over a joint
Today is day 45

Roots are fine

Problem parts
Yep see in that last pic how one finger is completely green and other 2 yellow. Thats not from any problems IMO or in my 14 years EXP. That yellow looks happy and healthy
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Theres 3 inches between the top of the light intake and the top of the tent. I left the ul listed bare minimum... so this plant is literally outgrowing my tent basically. Awesome
That's the main reason you see my plants trained at 18-24" tall. Because like you see one plant might be getting burnt while others don't get enough but sometimes plants are just tall stretchy plants like the ULH monster I got going now. Even after topping and training she's 4' tall with 30+ tops she should have been scrogged. Another option is to move the light to one side of the tent for half the day and move it to the other half the rest of the day.
Just got home. 3 other tips like this. Just check ph. It went to 4.8... yikes. Changing the res again and readjusting ph and checking again every half hour for the next 4 hours. I'll start getting to the backlog and talking more in a minute. But it dosent appear to be any worse.
Heres a photo of the whole plant
The only spots affected are the ones getting the highest light intensity you can see it clear as day in this pic it's light burn no doubt about it. Look at the affected leafs and how intense the light is. The LED 600w mars hydro has IR and that's what's hurting them. The IR kills cells. In little amounts it destroys cells to promote a growth response and promote resin production but in high levels it does exactly what your seeing there. 100% light burn.