Auto Seeds MissUniverse's 2019 Autoseeds Growbattle thread

Right troops...
Whilst i know everyones just trying to help out, the amount of "i thinks" and "my opinions" are really not gonna help out much here! If you have had a problem the same as this or similar then post some documentation showing the fault and the fix!!
Ive already seen a couple of people saying the think its defo 'X' then changing their mind to it defo being 'Y'!!
Im not trying to bash anyone here, but if we wanna help @MissUniverse out we need to give her something proper to work from instead of some guesswork ✌✌
Right troops...
Whilst i know everyones just trying to help out, the amount of "i thinks" and "my opinions" are really not gonna help out much here! If you have had a problem the same as this or similar then post some documentation showing the fault and the fix!!
Ive already seen a couple of people saying the think its defo 'X' then changing their mind to it defo being 'Y'!!
Im not trying to bash anyone here, but if we wanna help @MissUniverse out we need to give her something proper to work from instead of some guesswork ✌✌
If I'm mistaken I think she asked for any ideas and possibilities and people are just trying to help. Telling everyone to keep their ideas to themselfs is the exact opposite of how you solve the problem everyone's giving her possibilities and lending a helping hand it's up to her on what to do with the ideas.
When your root ball gets big like that there is only room for 2 - 2.5 gallons of nutrients in the reservoir. It is very difficult to keep the PH in range and the nutrient balance in such a small volume of water. It helps to make your mid week additions at ~ 25% strength of what you are using for that week. For example Your fresh reservoir is set at 800PPMs (not counting your starting water) then as you add make-up water all week until the next reservoir change mix it with the same nutrients as the refresh at 200PPMs. This will help maintain the nutrient balance. Or even better is to do a reservoir refresh every 3 days.
:smoking: right, I missed commenting on that, good pick up my friend! A lovely ball of roots it is too - :thumbsup:
^^ THIS IS WHY I LOVE AFN!!! @Waira @Mañ'O'Green you two are fine examples of what all forums should be. @MissUniverse sorry i didn't pick this thread up earlier, i've been recovering from a trip to Spannabis in Barcelona - it was a heavy weekend! Looks like you have some excellent advice here. Accounting for additional root mass in your reservoirs is essential but VEY hard to measure.
:toke: Thanks mate! .....I was almost going to say hope you fell better, then I saw "Spannablis" --:rofl: :nono: no mercy from me at least! I'm jeallie,.....:rofl:

Right troops...
Whilst i know everyones just trying to help out, the amount of "i thinks" and "my opinions" are really not gonna help out much here! If you have had a problem the same as this or similar then post some documentation showing the fault and the fix!!
Ive already seen a couple of people saying the think its defo 'X' then changing their mind to it defo being 'Y'!!
Im not trying to bash anyone here, but if we wanna help @MissUniverse out we need to give her something proper to work from instead of some guesswork ✌✌
:nono: Sounds like somebody who doesn't try to do this by remote,... I've been doing this for 4 years, best I can, with what info and pics I can get, and have zero complaints even if things didn't work out well; sometimes they cannot be fixed too and letting "patients" know that is only fair...Diagnosis by remote is difficult as hell, and it's why so very few Staff even try to tackle the work that the Infirmary call for! There's a reason I state things without such certainly usually... You want definitive scientifically backed diagnoses, then you have to get tissue samples sent into a lab and wait, and shell out the $$$, along with all the other non-option hassles,... Otherwise it's a critical degree of separation here, and so you advise accordingly,... I'm not a hydro guy per se, but diagnosing the often specific troubles people have in it has been an education of a different sort,...that's also why I call in mates like MoG here to help; getting opinions of experienced people helps cover the bases, and yes, some will be wrong in part or totally sometimes, but in the end the proof is in the "fix" which either happens or doesn't, and you review and adjust best you can,... Bad advise, wrong conclusions can be sifted out almost always and in the end help has been achieved.... I do get the gist of your comment, I deal with lousy advise in Sick Bay all the time, and if I know for a FACT that is crap, I say so and tell the fool to sod off because "guessing", ignorance and garbage commentary isn't allowed....too much at stake...

If I'm mistaken I think she asked for any ideas and possibilities and people are just trying to help. Telling everyone to keep their ideas to themselfs is the exact opposite of how you solve the problem everyone's giving her possibilities and lending a helping hand it's up to her on what to do with the ideas.
:greencheck: :thanks: exactly....
The complexity of diagnosing a problem is beyond most peoples mental concept of the potentials. We most often do not get all of the needed input information and even if we do the answer is in here somewhere:

ScreenHunter_181 Feb. 23 17.01.jpg

We just do the best we can. I have probably failed more in Hydro than most but I keep learning. I can see where others are headed down the wrong path that I have been down already and I try to guide them to a better path.
If I'm mistaken I think she asked for any ideas and possibilities and people are just trying to help. Telling everyone to keep their ideas to themselfs is the exact opposite of how you solve the problem everyone's giving her possibilities and lending a helping hand it's up to her on what to do with the ideas.
Im not saying keep ideas to yourself, what i am saying is, if you think you have a good idea of what the problem could be, instead of just saying i think its x,y or z, show us something that backs it up, i.e a photograph or some other sort of documentation.
You said yourself that the cause of the problem is 100% light burn due to the i.r in the light that is being used! Can you provide any documentation that shows a plant with the same problem as miss' plant that was proven to be caused by i.r light burn??
Again, im not trying to bash anyone here, simply saying that information is key in this situation and the more that is provided, the better the understanding of the problem ✌✌
Im not saying keep ideas to yourself, what i am saying is, if you think you have a good idea of what the problem could be, instead of just saying i think its x,y or z, show us something that backs it up, i.e a photograph or some other sort of documentation.
You said yourself that the cause of the problem is 100% light burn due to the i.r in the light that is being used! Can you provide any documentation that shows a plant with the same problem as miss' plant that was proven to be caused by i.r light burn??
Again, im not trying to bash anyone here, simply saying that information is key in this situation and the more that is provided, the better the understanding of the problem ✌✌
Yea I did I messaged her and described and explained why it is light burn. To post all the pictures and documentation would take up the whole thread And Idk about anyone else but when I see a post that's half the thread I usually skip half of it. Everyone's giving possibilities and theory based on the info at hand and until I saw the most recent photo I was unsure now that I saw it im confident that's the problem but when a plants sick every option has to be considered. If you read the posts youd see She posted and said thanks for all the help and ideas keep them coming I want as much ideas and theory's as possible. So jumping in at the end and telling everyone to relax And stop posting ideas goes against what was asked And this is MissUniverse's thread right? I'm not trying to start a problem but coming in and telling people what to do when they were doing exactly what was asked was wrong. That's all I'm saying.
The only spots affected are the ones getting the highest light intensity you can see it clear as day in this pic it's light burn no doubt about it. Look at the affected leafs and how intense the light is. The LED 600w mars hydro has IR and that's what's hurting them. The IR kills cells. In little amounts it destroys cells to promote a growth response and promote resin production but in high levels it does exactly what your seeing there. 100% light burn.

@Tyler_Durden88 The few 730nm - 740nm Epistars in the old style Mars Hydro 600W fixture are not strong enough to burn a plant at 12" in fact the vendor lists 10" as ok in flower. This light runs ~235w Not really that strong to burn plants. I have had plants touching similar Roleadros without bleaching.
Infact i do often help people out by proxy with problems they have with plants! Out of my circle i have been growing the longest so they come to me first by default!
Maybe my phrasing was a bit off but as you said you get the gist of what i was saying! Im not asking for scientific results here, just a simple picture that shows the same problem on a different plant and how it was remedied, not only cuts out any guesswork but also resolves the issue faster! Like you said there can be a lot at stake here and guessing and such isn't allowed! I completely agree, and its the same reason i asked if people could show something, even a picture copied from google that shows what they are talking about! ✌✌
:doh:.... first of all, there are very few cases I can offer from here that were confirmed diagnosed, treated, and successful results posted, and all are specific to that given person's issue and grow details and likely won't apply to another's except by sheer dumb luck... tons of positive outcome feedback though....
.... Second of all, symptoms of some issues can overlap, and defc.'s pics are a generalization from what I've seen here, so no, it's doesn't "cut out guesswork (what were we just saying about that anyway?!) and resolve issues faster very often frankly.... It's gets worse when more than one thing is in play, and that alters how they appear as well,... in fact, it's surprisingly uncommon to find basic lack-of defc.'s, almost always they are associated with other things, so the tangle of symptoms, diagnosis, and fixes can become difficult to lay out like you suggest,... Case in point: I don't have a pic of Zn defc. which may have been caused by light stress, a possible pH hiccup, and/or a lack-of type defc.... That pH hiccup is not certain; amount of Zn in Maxibloom I didn't look up, I don't have time to dwell on minutia dude,... Sometimes I do add in a pic or two of the suspected issue, or not, depends on who I'm dealing with and other specifics if they apply... They can look on their own if they doubt...
...third of all, to that end, it's up to the "patient" to their due diligence to educate themselves by exploring here, or where ever,... I put together a pretty good Defc. Pic Depot here, and there are other resources as well,.. Again, I don't always have time to call up all the things you feel are necessary, and why? I said, it looks like Zn defc., the cause could be a few things, and a pic isn't going to change that, either they agree or they don't,... All are free to act on or ignore what I offer....
...last thing, I don't need you to tell me how to do my job here guy,...I don't see you in Sick Bay, and you sure as shit haven't help 1000+ people here like I have over the years, so step off my cubes and move the hell along before you really piss me off....:pimp:
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