Mg defc? Gbd soil. Week two from seed

:smoking:... honestly, I don't know about the use of OG + micros on maturing seeds,.. something I'll have to ask owner/inventor Dinesh about! Likely it'll be fine with a light spray though,...
... since you're ina defc. situation I'd go 2tsp/gal, as per the "heavy" recommendation, for soil application,.. half that for foliar,...
... yes, the dolomite is breaking down now, and fighting your efforts at correction,.. it won't raise it above 7.0 though, at least! ... using non-powerful pH adjusters like citric acid is not as durable as phosphoric acid types,.. citric acid can be broken down and neutralized, which is usually fine for organic grows, less harmful to the soil herd,... but that extra dolomite is going to be a PITA, so just keep grinding and adjusting as you are,... Some corrections on the leaves may happen, but likely not a lot depending on severity,.. halting of progression is the real goal here! It will help internally, trust me,.. micronutes are huge in metabolism and catalyzing reactions!
Cool thanks again @Waira
If my conversion is correct this is the smaller ml/oz ratio of feeding microblast. Posting it for my own reference and maybe someone else will find it useful too.
If im correct:
Mild- 0.25ml/12.8oz water
Normal- 0.5ml/12.8oz
Strong- 1ml/12.8oz

So since my initial feeds were more than strong i will just do normal feeds every two weeks and stop using it all together a week or two before harvest.
Correct me if im wrong:smoking:
Heres the update copied from my journal:

I can see seeds forming:smoking:
Didnt get any close up pics of them though. Next time i will try to remember that.
Heres the main cola of the DPabb and some tent pics:pass:
Released them all from lst except for the hbbss will stay tied down a while longer.
The hbbss has some amazing bubblegum scent when u rub the stem close to the buds.
Top left- blue toof
Bottom left- double grape
Bottom right- hbbss
Top right- sodk x fantasmo (iluminauto [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG])

Im also wondering when does everyone release their plants from lst? I would think keeping them tied down the whole time prevents them from putting on that last bit of weight because the plant doesnt want buds to break off? Or what?
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:drool: nice bud! .... they look better mate, especially the tops, signs there- :d5: ...unlikely the other leaves will correct, might too far advanced, but that's of no concern, getting them the available micro's right now is most important.... Also, excess Ca can mess with K uptake too, causing potential defc. issue with that, even though it's in there,... so watch the tips on newer growth for symptoms of both K defc., and nute burn,... this will be a bit of higher maintenance for the lot, but totally manageable,... you can use some organic bottles PK if you like, in fact, I'd have some on hand in any case,... Roots Organic HPK (0-4-3)-- basically liquid bat poo; GO Biothrive Bloom; Canna PK 13-14,.... even a little synthetic isn't going the queer the deal here; I used some dilute high PK on the Biotabs photo' grow (had too, they tapped out early) along with organic bloom, just to push some extra fat into them! For example, I used dilute Cha-Ching (massive PK#'s), like 1/4 str., 1-2x/week,... You don't have too, these are just suggestions, and a precaution... extra organics certainly won't hurt, and a little PK boost can fatten them up some,... problem with soil amendments like this is there's no telling what's left,...but the crowns look nice, so that's a plus!
>> releasing the LST ties will have no impact on budding, so no worries there,.. likely, they'll stay pretty much where they are anyway if the stems have hardened to that tie,... Dosage is fine on micro's,.... :greenthumb:
Not sure whats wrong now. Last watering was heavy strength(according to the nute bottles) GO biothrive bloom and GO camg+. Maybe they didnt like that..but they were already showing these issues a little before that.
None have got any more micro blast in 2-3 weeks so maybe its time for more again next watering.
Pollination was 25 days ago.
All plants 59 days except double grape is day 52.
Soil ph is still staying at 7.0 but im watering in 6.0.
Ready for this grow to be done so i can start another without ruining the soil with dolomite lime..
I need to wait until the seeds start falling out before i chop i guess.
Some of these spots look like light bleaching but the light is 15-18in away.

Sodk x fantasmo day 59

Blue toof day 59

Double grape day 52

Hbbss day 59

Close up on hbbss. Mold? Rh is 50-60% and im pretty sure i have good airflow.

Some leaves that came off easily.

Thanks again @Waira and everyone else that puts time into helping out in the infirmiry:cheers:
... feed mild dosing of the Microblast every feeding,... remember, most of them are immobile within the plant, so there needs to be constant, low level amount around all the time for uptake before they get locked into place, long as the soil is clinging to high pH, the micro's will be more difficult to uptake too,... Also seeds are an enormous drain on resources, and taxes the plant hard,...and it's showing! ...not sure about those larger blotches,..I'd get those lights up to 20-22" just to be sure,... The leaves falling off like that is odd,.. are they on the dry side, or get a really dry pot recently?
Im going to move the lights up now and i will start feeding mild dose microblast every feed.
I dont think the pots got too dry but its possible im running lights 24/0 to keep rh in check. Those leaves are the ones that came off with a little tug, didnt really fall off themselves.
Thanks @Waira ive learned ALOT from you.:pass::slap:
Some lights off pics with flash
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I moved the light up a little more today now its 24in away from the tops. @Waira it seems the lower branches i pollinated are the only ones getting this light bleaching or whatever defc it may be. I guess because they are more sensitive because like you said making seeds is more work for the plant.
I will be chopping some of the main colas soon when they are ready while i let the pollinated lowers start to drop beans before i chop. Pollination was 28 days ago. Im guessing another week before beans start dropping.:pass:

Lower left double grape day 55

Hbbss day 62

Sodk x fantasmo day 62

Blue toof day 62
:pass: Smorf buddy, have you checked in with some breeders here on this, and times for proper seed ripening? Generally, taking the seeds to solid ripeness will take the bud itself past prime,.. but as you say, you're taking other clear colas beforehand, so it the seed ripeness that needs to be confirmed,.. I'm not a breeder, so I'll defer to the experienced folks on this!