Mg defc? Gbd soil. Week two from seed

:doh: holy crap, OG sprays an still it won't correct? that is a stumper mate, that product goes right into the leaves, bypassing roots and any trouble there...:shrug:... and all the plants are showing symptoms to varying degrees,. which hints at a common problem, medium being the likely suspect,... not sure why here, but amend no further or you may risk overloading the soil,.. might be what's happening, too much of some nute elements messes with the uptake of others,.. ironically, Ca and Mg can antagonize each other is ratios are off and too rich! And I have no idea what's in the GBD mix,....... you know, more remotely, and it's far from a perfect fit, but with the symptoms nearly top to bottom,.. I wonder if Zn defc. is in play,... ?? Earth Juice microblast added to the Overgrow at half str. might be worth a try,.... pH likely isn't an issue, it'd have to be way off to lock out Mg, and other symptoms/nute defc's would show first,... I wouldn't amend dolomite into the GBD stuff, that's covered already, and enough in the Roots until she taps into the GBD,... this is weird man, the OG should have nailed it by now,....
Know your phing, but have you done a runoff or slurry test? You said it yourself, you thought you had stuff covered... am wondering if the pH is out a wack in the root zone. A slurry test would be quick, and at least eliminate the possibility.
I just checked the soil ph with the accurate 8 probe. All pots are 6.5-7ph. Most are right around 6.8-7ph. I think the double grape was the only one reading 6.5 because thats what i just watered in before checking it.
@Arthur i dont think i need to check the runoff because the soil probe can go all the way down to the bottom of the pot?
@Waira i think maybe the camg ratio is wacky like you mentioned so I wont be feeding anymore camg or top dressing anything for a while.
Will just be giving water only with recharge.

The light is about 30in away so i dont think that has anything to do with it.
Very weird...
Next grow i wont add any dolomite lime although this grow i only added it to the top layer of soil not the bottom layer of gbd soil.
I wonder if the ewc has anything to do with it. I only mixed in about 20% though and gbd says they add up to 30% in their super soil grows.

Heres a top view:
Top left- blue toof
Top right- sodk x fantasmo
Bottom left- double grape
Bottom right- hbbss
Middle- mumbling dragon
Middle left- shortstuff [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] in one liter airpot on day 65. She went wacky when i moved her into the tent from the micro speaker.
Middle right- dp auto blueberry day 55. The blueberry and ss1 didnt like the light at first but the bb doing fine after i moved the light up ss1 not so much. the blueberry is looking frosty, thick and smelling great. Probably take her to 70 days.

The blue toof is doing the best i think.:pass:
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:doh: holy crap, OG sprays an still it won't correct? that is a stumper mate, that product goes right into the leaves, bypassing roots and any trouble there...:shrug:... and all the plants are showing symptoms to varying degrees,. which hints at a common problem, medium being the likely suspect,... not sure why here, but amend no further or you may risk overloading the soil,.. might be what's happening, too much of some nute elements messes with the uptake of others,.. ironically, Ca and Mg can antagonize each other is ratios are off and too rich! And I have no idea what's in the GBD mix,....... you know, more remotely, and it's far from a perfect fit, but with the symptoms nearly top to bottom,.. I wonder if Zn defc. is in play,... ?? Earth Juice microblast added to the Overgrow at half str. might be worth a try,.... pH likely isn't an issue, it'd have to be way off to lock out Mg, and other symptoms/nute defc's would show first,... I wouldn't amend dolomite into the GBD stuff, that's covered already, and enough in the Roots until she taps into the GBD,... this is weird man, the OG should have nailed it by now,....
I went through this exact thing except, honestly worse. KIS Organics Nutrient pk. in Sphagnum peat as directed the rest same as label directions, but. Don't know if you remember this Waira, I used a coco seedling mix. You felt that it wasn't
buffered well and I didn't prep it (Noob). Epsum spray...nothing some heavy Ca/Mg..nothing, and I know I over watered with Ca/Mg just making it worse. But they did continue to grow well just as his are, all the way through. Plus I was using water at 7.7 ph, even in organic I don't believe that was good, started ph'ing to 6.7 and soil followed. Shortly my second grow will be GBD soil, am really excited but cautiously watching. Hope you guys iron it out soon. I don't and won't have any OG spray, sucks.
@stedimed so your issue was that your water ph was too high and caused soil ph to be off which caused lockout?
I really feel that was a huge contributing factor in the beginning for me. Solo cup size plugs of coco for seedling mix and I'm feeding it 7.7-7.8 water, noob action. Water wasn't going into the gbd soil where it could be fixed naturally. Wiara told me coco can cause problems if it isn't properly prepped and from others told me coco should never see that kind of ph. When I first chk'd ph of gbd soil it was 6.9-7.0 so I started to ph water to 6.5-6.6 ( looked it up) Next time I chk'd soil it 6.6-6.7, but by then soil had been way over watered for a time (noob) trying to force feed plants Ca/Mg. My Mex. Airlines didn't seem to mind that much though, looked good and soldiered right on. But they all kept growing pretty damn good.....just looked like sh8t. Though they did improve in looks all but MA still were showing signs of Mg. def. in the end. It may not be correct but I'm gonna pH my water from the start, why try and make the soil work so hard when it doesn't have to. Sorry to all for the run on.
Does anyone think these issues could be caused by too much airflow or letting the soil get too dry before watering?
All the plants have a slight dance to them but i dont think there is too much airflow. And i dont water until i cant find wet soil with my finger pretty much.
So I dont think either is the case here but im just throwing out some guesses at this point.
Hope everyone has a nice weekend.