Mg defc? Gbd soil. Week two from seed

Heres a top view from today. Some looking better. @Waira do you think optic foliar overgrow could mess up the camg ratio and make things weird if there is already enough in the soil? Im guessing no.

Dp auto blueberry day 58
Heres a update
I cant really tell if they are getting better or worse. They are growing though. Most still look like mg defc. Ive only been giving phd bubbled tap water with with recharge once a week.

This mumbling dragon male day 29 half gallon pot. This one is in the micro speaker. Took pics during lights off. Im keeping a lookout for pollen to collect and i will dust a branch on the ladies in the tent.:pass:cheers

Double grape day 22 one gallon pot.

Hbbss day 28 two gal pot

Blue toof day 29 one gallon pot

Sodk x fantasmo express day 29 two gal pot. Sorry for weird angle on this one.
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Thats a beautiful male! You can cut branches, put them in a glass of water in a window with a plate under them. You collect the pollen outside the tent that way. Unless you want all your girls knocked up. That ain't bad either!
Another update
My soil ph is staying at 7.0 even though all ive been doing is giving water at 6.5ph. Is this a problem @Waira ?
Looks like i have mg, ca, and zn defc..
Also maybe burnt tips?
Next grow i wont be adding any ewc or dolomite lime to the soil. I will just use roots original on top with the gbd/roots on the bottom. Maybe that will help keep things simple.

Top left- blue toof
Top right- sodk x fantasmo
Bottom left- double grape
Bottom right- hbbss


Double grape. Zn defc? How would i fix this?

Hbbss. Zn and mg defc? Also burnt tips?

Blueberry day 65 looking good atleast. Probably go 70-75 days

Sodk x fantasmo. This one is doing the best i think. I will feed camg tomorrow on this one maybe.

Blue toof
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.... that high of pH can start to put the squeeze on some nutes,...
... but that doesn't affect Mg or Ca at all,... that dolomite, even at the top, will still affect Ca/Mg content, and especially pH, as you're seeing now,.. I still think this is an excess issue, not to the point of toxicity, but certainly interfering with uptakes,...
... OF is leaf direct, so not influenced by soil, and no overt toxicity symptoms,...light distance is fine,... EWC too,...air flow not an issue, but maybe you're letting it dry too much,... the herd, roots and overall chemistry all hate dry,and rehydrating unevenly can happen! heft the pots, do they feel like they did when you first set them up and well moistened? Wetting agents can help with this, sometimes dry patches become a bit hydrophobic an water runs around it rather than through,...

... the two pale ones, I'd swear that's S defc.,... only one that pales the whole plant like that tops generally worst as S is immobile,... not sure if it related to the excess Ca/Mg, or just plain not enough,... epsom foliar might help,...
...AH! just saw new pics,.. I think that edge streaky yellowing is Zn defc. kicking in, from the high pH,... time to start adjusting your water pH mate! ...use citric acid, canning stuff is fine,.. low 6's at first, and see how that works for a few waterings,... dealing with immobile nute defc.s is a bit of a struggle, foliar is best, but you need the right supp' for this, more nutes aren't the answer here,... adjusting the pH is critical to making it available again,...
... :rofl: here, use this cinder block that's served me well many times! :wall: :rofl:

...mate, can you get some micronutrient supplement? Earth Juice Microblast is a good one,.. you can mix it in with the Overgrow, at half strength,.. that will speed it in there faster than anything,....