Mg defc? Gbd soil. Week two from seed

@Waira microblast is on the way. Free one day shipping with amazon prime:smoking:
I use earthjuice ph up and down crystals too. Good stuff. This microblast seems like a great addition to the nute box too.
Might have to just water this in though because i think most of my plants are too far along to spray overgrow.
:thumbsup:-- on the two that are close to done, yes, but the other one just starting bloom are good to go for OG + micro's,... the OG has Transport in it already, so the micro's will get in there right away,....
:thumbsup:-- on the two that are close to done, yes, but the other one just starting bloom are good to go for OG + micro's,... the OG has Transport in it already, so the micro's will get in there right away,....
Should i avoid spraying branches that were pollinated? I dusted a few branches on each lady with some male mumbling dragon pollen. Who knows if it took though.
As a GBD soil user the last 5 Grows, sone strains do require feedings. My last Chemdog in this soil still required nitrogen and cal/mag.

I use GO Organics nutes for what it’s worth!

I really feel that was a huge contributing factor in the beginning for me. Solo cup size plugs of coco for seedling mix and I'm feeding it 7.7-7.8 water, noob action. Water wasn't going into the gbd soil where it could be fixed naturally. Wiara told me coco can cause problems if it isn't properly prepped and from others told me coco should never see that kind of ph. When I first chk'd ph of gbd soil it was 6.9-7.0 so I started to ph water to 6.5-6.6 ( looked it up) Next time I chk'd soil it 6.6-6.7, but by then soil had been way over watered for a time (noob) trying to force feed plants Ca/Mg. My Mex. Airlines didn't seem to mind that much though, looked good and soldiered right on. But they all kept growing pretty damn good.....just looked like sh8t. Though they did improve in looks all but MA still were showing signs of Mg. def. in the end. It may not be correct but I'm gonna pH my water from the start, why try and make the soil work so hard when it doesn't have to. Sorry to all for the run on.
Huge apologies to all that read this post. I was using the KIS Nutrient pk. for that grow as stated in first post, NOT GBD soil. I am going to use GBD's soil for next round. That's the reason I shouldn't post anything when medicated, have "shit for Brains" sometimes. I'm really looking forward to my GBD grow, and still going to ph my whacked out water a bit.
Huge apologies to all that read this post. I was using the KIS Nutrient pk. for that grow as stated in first post, NOT GBD soil. I am going to use GBD's soil for next round. That's the reason I shouldn't post anything when medicated, have "shit for Brains" sometimes. I'm really looking forward to my GBD grow, and still going to ph my whacked out water a bit.
Lol, I understand! I sure quit working in the tent buzzed. Messed up more than once.
What do you think of the KIS packs? They have some good stuff
I gave the hbbss and sodk x fantasmo express in two gallon pots each 32oz(hbbss) and 40oz(sodk x fantasmo) water with 5ml microblast, 0.3ml mammoth p and pinch of recharge. The others didnt need water today and im still not sure about spraying pollinated branches so i didnt foliar spray it.
@Waira the microblast label is kind of confusing, doesnt seem to be a straight forward application rate for watering it in.
Is 1ml per 10oz of water once a week a good rate? (So if they need 30oz water i give 3ml and do the same thing again in a week 1ml/10oz water.) I did 5ml because i know they are needing it initially.
Thanks again:thanks: the sodk x fantasmo express already smells amazing. Citrus/oranges and maybe a little peach in there.

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Ive been watering in 6.0ph and the soil ph goes back to 7.0 the next day. Too much dolomite lime in the soil i guess. Wont add any next grow. Today i gave the one gallon pot plants -blue toof 26oz water and double grape 20oz both got 3ml microblast too.
Just saw this man, hope all is well! How they lookin' now?
Hey thanks for checking out the thread man. Glad to have a place like afn that helps us to share/document/learn.
They are going to produce some good meds regardless of these issues i think:smoking:
Heres pics from today. I hope everyone is having a good weeknd.
Not sure if microblast can burn plants but i wont be feeding it again for atleast a week.
