Grow Room Merlins 1st Ever Shotglass Grows.......


Im Joe Grizzly Bitch!!!!!
Sep 20, 2015
Reaction score
Ive decided to give it a go after veiwing another fellow members grows in these sort of small glasses and it amazed me when i seen sure it wont come out as well as his bc he seems very expierienced w this and seems to have perfected his methods, and this will be my first attempt at it......

But im germing a Blimburn Seeds - Tangie Autofem and a Dr. Krippling - Bubba Yum

I can only hope they work out but you never know till you give it a go.......

@Stunted - Your grow thread inspired me brother.......hope u dont mind but i may be hitting you up if i run into any very intrigued by your grows in this manner and i hope mine do you some sorta justice
Here we go.....both seeds arebin water soaking and first signs of life ill kick off the thread w a pic of both beans in the cups theyll be grown in for their duration.....
Thanks for checkin out my thread......hopefully it works out for me........
Happy Growing everyone
Thank you sir
I app it
I figured id give it a go
Im amazed by what you can do brother i have to tell ya
It blows my mind
So im goin for the gold on this one
Thanks tho really
Who needs a normal grow? Not Merlin!
You know they are doing a boot challenge and they finished a potato chip bag challenge. So what are you waiting for????
Your grow room is going to look like Merlin's laboratory before to long....

Good luck Dude. I'll be watching
Hahah i can only hope fellas
I can only hope i successfully complete everything im gonna venture gonna move to all coco soon then start using my dwc system as well sometime in the next year or so i hope once i get settled........imma have to move before long so iont wanna set all that shit up and get goin and have to tear it all back down
But the few things im into for now will hold me......
My Berry Ryder is the best grow ive got so far in my opinion
Its at ab day 30 and sittin pretty
I can only hope all my ventures such as this one here go smoothly.......
Im fortunate enough to have the man himself here to help as well......
So im not SOOO worried
Thanks again btw
Both of u
All eyes will help i think
Here they are :
Fingers crossed........My Tangie is in the rockwool......Figured id try it in a rockwool cube......gonna put a little Great White on there in next few days maybe push her along in the right direction.....The Bubba Yum Cup size is a bit bigger than the Tangie.......I suspect the Tangie will be one bud on a main cola and the Bubba Yum will be a bit taller and maybe brach some......just a guess
: )

Thanks for the eyes everybody
Happy Growing

I checked these puppies this morning,
They are both about to break surface.......
I wonder if these will finish quicker or slower or the same time.......
I figure its prob stressful to go thru the whole grow in a small amount of area to grow and all and youd figure that would result is slowed growth I guess logic would dictate.......
Hadnt considered that before
So these will prob take a while to grow out fully in these little shotglasses.......