Grow Room Merlins 1st Ever Shotglass Grows.......

The Blimburn Seeds - Tangie has poked up out of her hole in the rockwool cube.......
Its off to the races now
: )
The Bubba Yum is still climbing out of her hole i uncovered her a bit this morning and didnt have to go very far at all to see the seed has rised to almost break the surface so I know there is a taproot shoving her up as well......
She should be above surface and show herself by tomorrow evening id imagine.....
Spritzed both of them w water omw out the door this morning........
So ab the same time for both to show
I put the Tangie in water a whole day before the Bubba Yum so its ab right really
Althought i puttem a bit deeper than usual at about halfway down the cup so she would perhaps be a bit shorter and deeper than usual as a sprout.......

Tangie is in Red cup w rockwool cube......

Bubba Yum is in clear cup w biobizz light miz and some Bush Doctors Coco Loco.....
Yea.....and the anxiety hits from anticipation and intrigue.......
Too bad my Berry Ryder isnt finished yet......Another 3 weeks or so and she will be tho maybe 4.......

I doubt ill be using many nutes on this one tho
In such a small cup im sure that a few drops of all my organic nutes will suffice since i cant really water her very much at once.......i def will have to keep her a lil damp tho most of the time so itll take more attention than anything has so far that ive grown
Day 2


My Bubba Yum got stuck under the surface of the soil somehow w her helmet still on......surprised the hell outta me........
I had to dig her out a bit to help her along so she should be up when I get home this eve......Also tho it is Kentuckys first game tonight.......Needless to say imma do a good feeding or two and get tanked for the game......what the hell........
Germination rate still at 100% alltime
TSSC rocks in my opinion
Looking good man!! You're gonna be an expert before too
I had one I had to dig out too...she's doing just fine though so don't sweat it.
Thanks bro
Im keepin as close an eye onem as possible but i dont get in until ab 8 pm est
And i wake back up to get ready for work and usually givem a bit of feed n water of the mornings and take off to work
So seriously im only home prob 6 hours out of a 24 hour day and thats to sleep if everything goes how i try tor keep its hard to keep as close of watch as id like
But hopefully in a few weeks ill get a bit of time off and they dont work us thru all the holidays coming up......
I app it tho @dcat0921
Ok so i realized im not home enough to keep these things nice and moist in coco or rockwool
I need sumthn a bit heavier that holds moisture alot better and longer since im gone atleast 14 hours out of everyday
These two
Tangie and bubba yum didnt make it sadly
They wouldnt stay wet long enough for me to get off work and they dried out and started falling over and stuff so i gavem to a buddy who doesnt have a job and told him to have fun
Im starting an sodk x alien in some soil now this time
Well see how it does.should show herself in next 2 days
Ill post pics when she shows as day 1
It's hard to grow micro if you are not home to care for them, at least you found them before they were dead!
Try adding a second cup to act like a bit of insulation, maybe add some sand and rocks on the top to help stop the fast drying.
One other option is to sit them in some water but that will cause some over watering issues...

Best of luck Merlin
Stunted Issues