Day26 New
Got two more clips on! The branches were just a bit too short yesterday. I used the clips to move all the branches away from the center and tried to space them evenly, hopefully let some some more light and air to the center of the plant. The runt is stretching too, shes so cute, and she is finally starting to move too, i really think my light was too intense and the way too low humidity stunted them a bit, you live and learn. Got that dialed now so shouldnt be a problem in the future. They were both fed 7cups of water with blackstrap molasses at 1Tbs per gal phd at 5.8, i checked my soil recently and was kinda high at 7 so will be feeding with 5.8 until it comes down a bit, i still have all the bennies and everything but i still want nutrients to be made instantly available. Probably going ph perfect next grow with biobizz light mix as it seems so freaking easy!