Next time secure the base 1st. I've had plants pull out from bending too early. Just a tie at the base from the opposite side. Don't want to disturb the roots with autos
I will keep that in mind for the future! Great tip! Thank you!Next time secure the base 1st. I've had plants pull out from bending too early. Just a tie at the base from the opposite side. Don't want to disturb the roots with autos
Off to a good start Brother.Turning into some bushy little cuties. That little one is just gonna be a small plant and i have come to terms with that, hopefully itll be potent and worth the effort! I assumed in the beginning that i would let them grow naturally but i have been inspired by @420autoflower i will be trying my best to replicate his scrog process although in soil instead of hydroponics. I know i wont be expecting the explosive growth that comes with hydroponics but nevertheless i believe my yields will still benefit from the process. I plan on defoliating heavily(shwazzing) about day28-30 as well as supercropping any branches that require it and dropping the net at the same time along with 1 more schwazze around week 4-5 of flower(day48-56), and then let it do its thing. Defoliating when necessary and just tucking till the flower stretch stops. I cut the rim of the pots down as they were way too tall amd I watered them last night about a half gallon each until i saw runoff, with 5drops Superthrive(the newer formula, no synthetic pgr’s) and 3/4Tbs blackstrap molasses for the plants amd the bennies thanks yall for following this grow!View attachment 1706814