Indoor Mephisto/Soil/Autopot

Ahhhhh just wait till you learn how to really abuse them!


Day 18:

All plants have progressed post training. I’m going to start to discuss each plant individually for those who are interested in specific strains. I have performed different training, as I am still working at understanding the plants. I WANT to understand the differences of training on different plant structures. As of now, Bushy = LST, taller plants with internode spacing I topped.
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CDLC - Straight LST. She is a bushy plant and has MANY branches under the canopy. I bent over the main stalk and have tried to move the light blocking leaves to the side.
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Strawberry Nuggets - Not sure in this one. She is small in structure and node spacing is borderline non- existent making LST challenging. I bent her over to allow more light penetration and that’s about it. I’m going to take it easy on her for a bit.
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Toof Decay - She is a few days behind and haven’t done anything yet. Plan is to top after 5th node and leave her upright and spread her wings.
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Double Grape - Showed sex VERY early(day 15). Plan was to top her but stopped just short of the “snip” when I saw pistils. went with LST. We will see how this one goes. As of now, I’m a little disappointed she entered pre-flower so early, but I have NOTHING to measure this against. Time will tell.
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Ripleys OG - This one is going to be FUN and I hope she is going to challenge my canopy skills. I topped her between 4-5 node and leaned her over.
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Super Orange Haze - Another branchy plant. Topped and LST. She is currently a little pouty at the moment. I have a humidifier in the corner of the tent and I think that may be making her a little uncomfortable.
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Best of luck,
looking forward to see how the topped compare with the trained !
I’m still new to this and need to develop an understanding so I can create my own style. Right now I’m following what others do. Side by side comparisons will help me tremendously.
I was away for a 4 day weekend and came back to some nice growth. My new PAR meter arrived so I can maximize my light. Running lights at 750-850 ppfd. I’m liking being able to measure the light which will allow me to CORRECTLY manage the canopy. Currently working on getting the canopy right.

CDLC: Just get out of her way. Straight LST. She doesn’t miss a beat.

Strawberry Nuggets: Very tough plant to LST. Doing my best to get light to penetrate the canopy.

Double Grape: Growing nicely. Thought that her early pistils was a problem. NOPE.

SOH: Starting to develop branching.

Ripley’s: Another “get out the way” plant.

Toof Decay: She is a few days behind but is going to spread out nicely.
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Day 27: Turned on res for the Autopots. Running water only at 6.4 ph.

Ripleys OG (back right) seems to be sensitive to N. She is the only one showing any N signs. All use same media.

I’m noticing that the plants that were topped are developing a better canopy. The plants that were just bent over without topping are staying true to primary cola dominance, making LST more difficult. Side by side comparison gives me the feedback I need to learn.

Day 30:

CDLC: LST only. Great growth. Bushy

Double Grape: LST only. I will top next time I grow. Have her bent over and she is staying true to her primary cola dominance. Already starting to show frost

Super Orange Haze: Topped W/LST. Good node spacing. I’m liking this plant.

Ripley’s OG: Topped/LST. Best in show so far.

Toof Decay: She is 5 days behind the others. Topped/LST. Looks like she will spread out nicely.

Strawberry Nuggets: I can’t say she is a “problem child”, but next time I will top and allow to grow. She has not shown any benefits from bending her over. I actually think I stunted her. She is short.
I like how your cdlc has branched out the last 3 days.
Looks great.
Mine is Day 22 and waiting for her to start spreading out.Very stout.
Topped mine,next run I will just lst and compare.