Indoor Mephisto/Soil/Autopot

I like how your cdlc has branched out the last 3 days.
Looks great.
Mine is Day 22 and waiting for her to start spreading out.Very stout.
Topped mine,next run I will just lst and compare.
I wish I would have topped her. I’m very pleased on her progress, but I can still see her main cola dominance.
Very happy with how things are progressing. Autopots working and plants are digging it. Strawberry Nuggets (front center)is a finicky little bugger who doesn’t like training. I released her restraints and she seems much happier. Next time I will top for sure. Double Grape showed EARLY signs of sex and started off great. Straight LST, no top, and she has not developed any branches. Her main cola is dominant and frosting up. CDLC, SOH, Ripley’s are all branching nicely.


Gals are approaching 5 weeks and all is on track and progressing.


Strawberry Nuggets- this phenotype is VERY compact with almost no internode spacing. I also think that I took the wrong approach with regards to LST. Next time I will top and spread rather than lean her over. Live & Learn.

CDLC- I’m not sure that you can take the wrong approach with her. An absolute pleasure so far.

Double Grape- She is starting to frost up. Original plan was to top and spread, but she started showing signs of sex at less than 2 weeks and it was my understanding that I shouldn’t top once plant enters pre-flower. Is that a correct assumption? Also, when a plant starts showing pistils, is that considered pre-flower? Her flowers are looking nice. Looking forward to growing again, knowing what I now know.

Toof Decay- She is 5 day behind the others and NOT on Autopots.

Super Orange Haze- branches making branches. Looking forward to watching her sativa genes progress.

Ripley’s OG- WOW!!!
As @WildBill once told me. LITFA!!!
That's exactly what I'm doing right now. I really don't think I'll slow the Fugue State I transplanted late Thursday. Little thing hasn't skipped a beat.
I know my tent and lung room set up now. Fugue State will hopefully get to fully express itself. the others will get pretty, but just not what they could have been.!!
Biggest thing is to grow and learn!
Speaking of LEARNING, I am “learning“ that growing 6 different strains is not as good of an idea as I thought. Add to that the different approach with regards to LST, and getting an even canopy is challenging.

Day 40: Still on track with water only. Outside temps have have FINALLY come down so VPD will become achievable. Im learning a lot. I originally thought that to attain VPD I just increase the RH to the appropriate level. Now that my gals are clearly in flower, the higher RH may bring mold into the equation, so I’ve decided to sacrifice VPD to reduce mold possibilities.

Ive included thumbnails for anyone interested in specific strains. Toof Decay and SN are not on Autopots.

CDLC- pleasure to grow
Double Grape- Frosty
Strawberry Nuggets- want to grow again and let grow naturally.
Super Orange Haze- eagerly waiting to see what’s next
Ripley’s OG- N sensitive. Made mistake of minor defoliation WHILE she is having N issue. She DID NOT like that. Hands off approach for rest of the way.
Toof Decay- 4 days behind the others and doing well.


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Still water Only at 6.4ph. Seems like my soil mix may be a little high in the N dept. minor Issues, but I’m gonna keep rollin wit it. I’m at 6 weeks. Fingers crossed.

Day 50 and all is well. In pursuit of a WATER ONLY grow, I’m at the mercy of my soil mix. In following @pop22 basic soil mix, I made an error due to my lack of knowledge. Recipe calls for organic potting mix (unamended) and I used FFHF(amended) which has made the soil mix a little on the HOT side With too much N. Instead of reacting and flushing and throwing everything out of wack, I decided to sacrifice a little size/yield in order to have a better understanding of my soil. My thoughts are that I can’t recognize an abnormal condition until I know what a normal condition is.

My first grow, I was in a constant response mode due to me “pushing” the plants without the knowledge of what I was doing. The grow was successful but not without its difficulties. This WATER ONLY grow is a completely different experience. So much more enjoyable when I wake up and open the tent KNOWING the babies are OK.

On another note, I am amazed at how much water these plants drink with the AUTOPOTS. I’m not exaggerating when I say that the 4 plants are drinking 4-5 gallons a day.
