Mephisto Genetics Mephisto LED vs HPS Sour Crack AF-SOG!

More sour crack eye candy, a question if you don’t mind ,Apart from your skills, knowledge and experience you seem to have gone gently with the nute’s, is that due to cost, hassle, your soil is rich enough? And i guess even though i haven’t a led why haven’t they had any.

Would i benefit from being heavier considering i am only growing two?
I don't mind at all.

some things to bare in mind, these are receiving water directly from our well, the base ec is about 0.8, so exceptionally high! What it contains.. We don't know exactly but we do know plants like it, I suspect it has a decent amount of calmag too.

the LED plants due to the poor initial environment for them, and slow growth as a consequence , have had a slower metabolism and therefore as you can see are looking well fed from just the water and nutrient content of the medium.

the hps plants have at times got a bit dry but also grew very fast and I'm sure they have utilised all the available nutrients from the lightmix.

infact for this stage I'm feeding them a lot more than normal. It's rare I go above 4ml per litre of bloom, usually 3ml is the max I feed in our location

however usually they are transplanted and receive a little food boost from the new soil they go into

Cheers for that pal, ripping up my planned supplements schedule as i type, i guess what i should take from this is go with what the plant is telling me it wants for its stage and how healthy it is looking, rather than forcing my plans on them regardless, be flexible i think lol.:grat:
Yes dude always the way is to throw schedules out of the window, especially if they're developed for photoperiods, the best way is just to get a few grows under your belt in your environment and play it by ear. Then as you get more experienced and to be able to read your plants better you'll just develop the growers hunch of course being there to observe your plants daily helps a lot too!
cheers pal, advice taken on board and greatly appreciated
Hi Mitch Can i ask what nute line your feeding with? Im loving this test and i think after its done we will all learn something new about HPS and LED like feedings, bud structure .. Thanks for the time as i know you guys are busy.
Great grow Mitch, just wanted to chime in, on the LED vs. HPS discussion, with this vid from youtube:

Congrats on the 1 year anniversary, which isnt too far off, have you got anything planned?
Once i finally get growing again, Mephisto is right at the top of my list of seeds to grow, great job guys;)

Edit: added the first video of the test grow!
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cheers pal, advice taken on board and greatly appreciated

no probs at all, always feel free to ask!

Hi Mitch Can i ask what nute line your feeding with? Im loving this test and i think after its done we will all learn something new about HPS and LED like feedings, bud structure .. Thanks for the time as i know you guys are busy.

hi, yes we're amidst a learning curve too!
we are using biobizz grow and bloom liquid organics, with biobizz soil. I've used these nutrients exclusively for years now. There are other products in the line up but just these two work just fine I think.

Great grow Mitch, just wanted to chime in, on the LED vs. HPS discussion, with this vid from youtube:

Congrats on the 1 year anniversary, which isnt too far off, have you got anything planned?
Once i finally get growing again, Mephisto is right at the top of my list of seeds to grow, great job guys;)

thanks for the reminder, we've been that busy I haven't really given it any thought, but yes 1st may will mark the first year of trading complete, so I guess we should figure out a little party!

thanks for stopping by, I'll check out the video, cheers :)
Hi Mitch i ask because the autoflower in general needs alot of cal+mag so im interested to see if LED grown plants really need more cal+mag than ones under the HPS. My guess is they will both eat the same amount. A test like this will show.. as i don't believe molasses and Epson salts are enough for the autoflower after what I call the 30 day swing.. This once was a newbies issue i had , and it was only cured when I used a c+m supplement ..
