Mephisto Genetics Mephisto LED vs HPS Sour Crack AF-SOG!

I wonder if those bitching about the disadvantage of the winter variable for the led's in Mitch's grow areas will be bitching about the summer disadvantage for the HPS in Mitch's grow.
He has made it clear that he has limits to the points in which he can economically control the environments of his grow rooms, just like almost every other hobby grower out there reading this journal.
If the manufacturers of a particular brand of light, regardless of who they are, want a documented side by side comparison of their light against type X light or brand z light, with all the parameters set to their liking, then they should do it themselves or fund it.
yup pop!:tiphat: I am on flea-bay auction, bidding on refurbished panel's:slaps::grin::peace:
Yep been there, done that! BUT watchout for shady sellers. I'm pretty savy but I got scammed too....thankfully, ebay refunded all my money. I say, fo you can do it, get your lights from MRS Hydro, or the Apollo brand lights, as they have rep to back their lights. stay AWAY from:

Super Grow
Grow Boss

Beware of any light claiming to have 6 watt chips, the only 6 watt chips are made by Philip's and NO chinese light uses them.
Id like to see the LED tent kept warmer because the radiation light from the HPS actually warms the leaves of the plants more than the LED does, even if most of it is the wrong spectrum for the plant to metabolize, the increased warmth will still speed cell division, etc. Im guessing at the amount, but I think if you keep the LED room at the same temperature as the LEAVES of the HID room, when the light is on, then the plant might be able to match or exceed the growth rate, given the correct spectrum and intensity is provided to drive photosynthesis.
I can vouch for cidly and mars, both provide solid products for the price range.
Temps have been a steady 76 in the LED tent for awhile now, growth is nice they are just behind time wise .

I personally feel like (even with temps and environment perfectly in check) 4 of these units would be needed to
cover this area and number of plants adequately. Visually and using my growers instinct 2 will cover 4 rows of 6 quite nicely.

im not too fond of this Og shade either for this style of grow.

but in summer I would like to repeat this test with the following changes.

hps tent with our trusty old cheapo parabolic shade. Also plants started in 1.5 litre pots with a transplant up to the 6 litres.

led tent I would start plants in the 6 litres.

anyway, let's all see how it pans out this round, there's a way to go yet.


Sorry ive not suggested this earlier but have you played about with the angle of the lights to get better coverage? You would be amazed the difference it will make especially with short plants like yours,try them on opposite walls at about 45% so the beam is being cast across the tops of the plants rather than directly over the top of them.
I think 4 HS1s would be a bit overkill bro but 3 positioned well will give you the coverage if hung directly above like you have now or even better a slow rotating light mover. I honestly think playing with the angles will give you better coverage. Check out this grow to see how well 2 work
Yes dude, they're slightly angled at present, and the corner of the unit with the light , they are at opposites to each other. I've also adjusted the height minimally whenever possible to get the best coverage I can in there.

Theres no doubt the light is more than adequate for a few big plants, it just becomes a bit more apparent when trying to cover a flat 4 x 4 canopy that some areas look dim.

sorry I made a mistake in my last post I meant to say 2 are covering 3 rows of 6 nicely, the furthest row towards the back is getting less light than I'd like.

i'll get bill to give them another rearrange shortly.

has anyone tried an auto Scrog or very even lst in a 4x4 with two?

nice growing as always in your thread :)

i don't think 4 would be overkill, after all that's still only 280w actual, but that's just my feeling after a very short dabble into led and these units.
perhaps we should ask in the respective GN and MarsHydro Forum/sub-forum.....oh wait, only GN has their own forum, MarsHydro has to make do with a not-so-easy-to-find very odd.......

Mars hydro has been on the forum for two weeks and is just establishing an online presence at AFN vs GN who is a long standing established member.
whats very odd?
I'd be interested in that development for sure.

and yes of course everyone has their own style/preferred style they develop over time and that can be influenced by local law in a big way.

you and a lot of people here are at one end of the spectrum, growing a few plants for personal and clearly the gn units work for that configuration. But for us we haven't had as few as two plants in a tent for about 7 years :)
Hi All, I'd like to propose that we ask Mars-Hydro and Mitch to sponsor a Mephisto, Mars II vs. HPS grow at Mephisto's convenience (sorry for volunteering you for more work Mitch:). I don't have any data that supports my opinion but I have both Mars products (3W LEDs and 5W LEDs) and the intensity of the light coming out of the Mar II, with 5W diodes, is closer to the intensity of a HPS light. A Mars II 700 (described as 300W-380W draw) uses around half the energy of a 600W HPS. Just thinking out loud.
The Internet is a strange place at times, full stop :)

I'm happy to keep trialling the LED units we have over time, growing's a year round thing after all, for us especially.

if anyone wants to send us anything for evaluation I wouldn't say no, and likewise if anyone here has better facilities for a trial and they can keep things in check to a better degree than us, I'll happily donate seeds for community learning purposes.
