Mephisto Genetics Mephisto LED vs HPS Sour Crack AF-SOG!

Why go thru all this to add some heat? Why not add heat AND light? Use a 75-150 watt HPS and some side lighting? put it on a timer and you can regulate how much heat you get.
Hi pop, I get to around 80F when my LED is on. I'm getting down in the low 60sF when the light goes off. I have been thinking of going back to 24 hrs a day with the light but I didn't like it when I tried it before. Would you put the hps light on a thermostatic control?
Why go thru all this to add some heat? Why not add heat AND light? Use a 75-150 watt HPS and some side lighting? put it on a timer and you can regulate how much heat you get.

I've got plenty more LEDs I could throw in the tent to keep it warm but I'm trying to get an accurate reading on how big of a space the single LED can cover, so adding more light would negate that unfortunately.
Why go thru all this to add some heat? Why not add heat AND light? Use a 75-150 watt HPS and some side lighting? put it on a timer and you can regulate how much heat you get.

Many people don't run 24/0.
When the lights go out, especially in an uninsulated abiniet or room, temps can drop pretty fast.
My suggestions were meant for those folks, or those that simply don't have enough room for another light in their cabinet.
I'm sure a 150w Hps uses more electric and cost than a tube heater, maybe thats why but then again if cost is no issue then I would go with another light. Im worried HPS would mess with the spectrum on the GN LEDS though and then they wont be as effective??
Ill be more concerned with the humility and keeping it below 40 percent When growing with LEDS. This is a good test though. thank you
Hi pop, I get to around 80F when my LED is on. I'm getting down in the low 60sF when the light goes off. I have been thinking of going back to 24 hrs a day with the light but I didn't like it when I tried it before. Would you put the hps light on a thermostatic control?

yes you could use a thermostatric control. what schedule are you using now? 20/4? would an extra hour of light be enough to keep the temp drop to a smaller degree? maybe try 21/3. It depends how fast the temp drops.
yes you could use a thermostatric control. what schedule are you using now? 20/4? would an extra hour of light be enough to keep the temp drop to a smaller degree? maybe try 21/3. It depends how fast the temp drops.

I'm on 18/6. I don't mind 24hrs but it seemed like things spiraled out of control too quickly without some down time. Perhaps for me maybe not the plants.

Mitch what's your opinion on 24hrs of light a day?
I'm on 18/6. I don't mind 24hrs but it seemed like things spiraled out of control too quickly without some down time. Perhaps for me maybe not the plants.

Mitch what's your opinion on 24hrs of light a day?

It seems heating for some of us is a big topic in itself..

Quite often we will go 24/0 to the time we see sexing, and if transplanting then the next week after. But then I like to knock it down, to save electricity but then I think even a short dark period goes a way to give your plants a break and in turn *in my experience* promotes healthier plants.

I've ran all different schedules over the years and for me, I've not noticed a discernable difference in yield running at 18 hours vs 24.
Although I have noticed that for us, plants seem to sex that little bit quicker on 18 hours, but it could well be a lot little factors combined.

I do love the flexibility of autos though in combination with adjustable ballasts, it can really help tailor the growspace to the seasons.

It was less of an issue in the UK where for me having central heating and growing in a typical residence. Here in Spain (in my experience so far) house design is definitely centered around keeping the summer heat at bay, rather than keeping heat in for winter. But it's all part of the growers learning curve :)
Thanks Mitch, Congrats on the new catalog.