Mephisto Genetics Mephisto LED vs HPS Sour Crack AF-SOG!

Sorry guys been ko'd with some flu so haven't had chance to look in on them much.
The led plants were picking up, I also took the glass out of the Og shade.
Will try and sort an update tomorrow. Cheers

Hiya Mitch.

Feels kinda stupid to "like" your post about the flu but I hope you like that we like

Wish you all the best and a speedy recovery, and dont rush any updates for us, take your time, rest and get well first.

Warm hugs and lots of love from Sweden

Justin Beaver
Hi guys,

Thanks for the well wishes, All good now, was some kind of 36 hour thing, but back to business and a quick update -

Day 17 from Sprout:




Just before was the first time all the plants came out of the HPS tent for a decent water (no nutrients added yet) and they all had a leaf tuck where possible, and were re-arranged placing the biggest to the outside rows.
Starting them in the bigger pots, I don't think that'll I'll need to trim any lower branches this round... Maybe training will come later on ;)

LED plants are coming along, still behind but still growing :)

Mid next week i'll aim to do a bigger better update.

CHeers, Mitch
Hey guys, here we have a day 21 update:

The LED plants are starting to come along now..
Here is how I found them earlier - you can see the plants are mostly looking good, a better size across 4 rows.. The closest row, I may discard in a few days. The back row is smaller than the good 4 but okay.

Here's a closer shot of LED SOGGY goodness

THe plants are looking nice and healthy, They've only had plain water so far, and not much of it. Temps at the top of the tent are staying a constant 67 degrees.

I took all of them out for their first real re-arrange. And when put back in, looked like this:

The HPS tent, at d17 I did a decent leaf tucking session on all of them, but today it was looking pretty crowded, so I did some leaf removal - *I'm not saying to anyone else to try this, but more an experiment for us to see how they handle it. I'm really trying to encourage as many even equal tops as I can

These will need a feed soon, I would say at d25 they'll receive some grow nutrients.

ciao for now compadres
Mitch inspired mine. I ran across old threads of his on another forum where he ran an autoflower SoG. I think he may have done one on here too actually. Seeing that is what made me want to try it. It just so happens that Mitch now has the best gear for an auto SoG so it worked out brilliantly!
Talk about inspirational! Mitch & gbd you've got me so inspired that I'm building a new hydro unit so I can try a mini SOG. Thanks for sharing! :thank:
Talk about inspirational! Mitch & gbd you've got me so inspired that I'm building a new hydro unit so I can try a mini SOG. Thanks for sharing! :thank:

Happy to help inspire!, it's really a very easy way to grow, it takes a little more work than growing a handful of plants but the rewards, ie potential big yield more than make up for it, or if you can automate the watering/feeding a la GBD that's a lot of work removed through the grow.

cheers, mitch
I'll have ten 24 Carat growing when the new res is finished. It's pretty much automated and as long as you find the strains sweet spot for feeding the pH takes care of itself. Sorry for hijacking the thread.