Mephisto Genetics Mephisto LED vs HPS Sour Crack AF-SOG!

The tube heaters ive looked at have thermostatic controls built in.
maybe it will end up that we are hps in winter and led/outdoor in summer but if we can keep churning out flowers and seeds year round then whatever combination it's a win win scenario :)
Those temp differences could be significant, plants arent exactly warm blooded.
For some reason I thought it was day 15 earlier, and due a photo update, but today is actually onl day 12 from sprout.

Here are the best examples from each tent..



Both -

I missed it previously but someone asked for some temps with laser thermometer so I'll get on that in a moment.


Really interesting so far. No question the babies like the HPS so far. It will be interesting to see what happens when the seedlings start their stretch period and if there ends up being a difference in over all plant structure. Great test considering the number of plants. Thanks as always for posting Mitch
Forgetting the lighting for a moment it's going to be a good test of our genetics regardless.

when I checked nothing had shown sex yet, I'm hoping the LED tent with its cooler temps is going to delay the plants but they still veg to an adequate size before going into flower without being stunted, on the other hand it's a possibility that the hps plants may get too big..

we will see, cheers all mitch
Forgetting the lighting for a moment it's going to be a good test of our genetics regardless.

when I checked nothing had shown sex yet, I'm hoping the LED tent with its cooler temps is going to delay the plants but they still veg to an adequate size before going into flower without being stunted, on the other hand it's a possibility that the hps plants may get too big..

we will see, cheers all mitch

If that is to be the case it would be fun to see you swap some of the bigger HPS plants for some of the smaller LED plants.

That way you and we also have a chance to see how your genetics handle a light switch mid grow, something that can happen i real life.

Justin Beaver
It's still a bit early to say with any conviction, just thinking out loud really.
its only day 13, so we will see.

the light change you mention is something that happens regularly during seed production, for example plants going from hps to fluorescent then to outdoors within a matter of days. I've never noticed it to
cause anything untoward, they just truck on.
"Munch..munch..munch this is a great thread!:kusht:you guy's have everybody thinking:Sharing One:both my tent's are full or I would be doing some mephisto genetic's now:peace:
Sending warming vibes to the little ladies. How do you feel about the light spread seeing first hand with the standard diffuser?
This morning I had a bit of a switch around i'm now exhausting from the non sog hps tent into the LED tent, I'll have a look at the temp and humidity in there later.

regarding the light spread , the two lights appear to cover 4 rows of 6 pretty nicely, just going off the visual growth or lack of between each of the rows, but that's another thing packing the entire footprint of your grow space will show you.

cheers mitch
Id rather not see any plants swapped between tents, so we can get an accurate idea of yield / plant comparison between the 2 lights.