Grow Mediums Mephisto dwc grow deep blue c, sour bubbly, sodk, and walter white x sour stomper

Day 48 update. Got quite the fucking forest in my closest right now
no complaints though.
My deep blue c and my big walter white x sour stomper are starting to fill out nicely the others are lagging behind a little bit but they all flowered at different times but the ones behind are the ones that flowered last. Here's my deep blue c around 20" tall about 28" wide
heres the bigger walter white x sour stomper bud pic

And the smaller plants in order sodk, wwxss and sour bubbly
the sour bubbly has filled out the least out of all of them but it's kicked into flower a good week after the rest so hopefully it turns out like the rest in a week or so.luckily there still doing ok it's been super hot here recently and with that 600 hps cranking I've had my AC running constantly and it's been averaging 84 in the room. The rez's seem to stay cool though well shaded and insulated with reflective tape roots are nice and healthy. I would take a pic but it's a pain in the ass with out two people lol.
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Measurements for anyone who wants to know lol. Sodk is 44 tall about 34 wide big wwxss is 43 tall x 35 wide smaller ww x as 42" tall x 28 wide and my sour bubbly is 38 x 33 and dbc is 20 x 28
well sir we have a sayin around here, Pics or it didn't happen lol! We wanna see them roooooots!!!!!!!!!! I am a root fiend lol
Lol I'll get em gotta do some rez changes soon I'll have my girlfriend snap some pics while I got the buckets apart
Here are some root pics
those are from my sodk only bucket I'm changing at the moment but I'll get more. That good enough proof for ya @derek420colorado lol. I didn't realize how big my sodk was until I pulled it out of the closest
width un restrained from the closest
and height
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Nice line-up and Journal you have here. You ever smoke on any of these strains before ?
The WW makes for some fantastic smoke. Mephisto's been out of WW beans for awhile now....soon as there's more of them I want to grab some.
Your girls have the bones to put on some nice weight. Be careful moving that beast around & good luck on a kick ass finish !
Thanks @derek420colorado and @ tetra9. I'm super stoked with how they have done so fat. I don't really foresee them being done in less then 80 days especially the sour bubbly and sodk. Anyone care to guess how long they go. Oh sorry @Tetra9 I had to go back and edit my post its a walter white x sour stomper sorry for the confusion. It's a relatively new strain I asked Mitch for info on them and they said they didn't have any and to expect something between the new parents but so far I'm impressed. All of the plants have such great structure even some of the lowest nodes have grown straight up even with the rest of the tops
Thanks @derek420colorado and @ tetra9. I'm super stoked with how they have done so fat. I don't really foresee them being done in less then 80 days especially the sour bubbly and sodk. Anyone care to guess how long they go. Oh sorry @Tetra9 I had to go back and edit my post its a walter white x sour stomper sorry for the confusion. It's a relatively new strain I asked Mitch for info on them and they said they didn't have any and to expect something between the new parents but so far I'm impressed. All of the plants have such great structure even some of the lowest nodes have grown straight up even with the rest of the tops

I am with T9 on this one, that SODK has the potential to be a MONSTER! I would say get that baby to a place where you can leave it and tie the branches up. Everything goes right I would say that baby could be 300 gs dry or more