Grow Mediums Mephisto dwc grow deep blue c, sour bubbly, sodk, and walter white x sour stomper

Hey thanks @Frankthetank yea Im kinda hoping I haven't shot my self in the foot with putting that many in there but I figure hey what can it hurt. Right now I'm running a gh dual diagram 4 outlet pump I have 2 lined in the sour bubbly and 2 lines in the deep blue c. The two bigger walter white x sour stomper each have there own 2 outlet Walmart brand air pumps. I know the Walmart ones don't push a ton of air but they seem to do the trick. And my sodk is in a diy aeroponics bucket it's a 5 site bucket I made to start all my plants. That consist of a Rio 600 submersible pump that pumps water up to the lid of the bucket where the water hits a plastic disc to diffuse the water into a bell and it will hit all 5 net pots and aerates the bucket as it splashes back down. It's awesome for starting plants it's good to grow 1 maybe 2 plants to maturity. I plan to build more of theses because the roots on the sodk are awesome. Good luck on your grow here's to keeping Maine stocked with good bud. Cheers
Get more AIR!!!!! I tell this to almost every single DWC grower, here is a link to the reasons why along with pictures of what roots are supposed to look like in DWC(and yours actually look super healthy)
more air helps A LOT with rez temps, just because with more air it allows you to run your buckets at a little higher temp with no issues.
Haha yea I've noticed your posts @derek420colorado and I certainly plan on getting more air when the budget allows it but at the moment I gotta live with what I got I've been lucky my roots are doing pretty good. I'll be happy if I can get 8-10 zips of my 6 I'll be happy. Thanks for all the great advice guys
Haha yea I've noticed your posts @derek420colorado and I certainly plan on getting more air when the budget allows it but at the moment I gotta live with what I got I've been lucky my roots are doing pretty good. I'll be happy if I can get 8-10 zips of my 6 I'll be happy. Thanks for all the great advice guys

Bro if you don't get 10 zips out of that I will eat my shoe! You are here with the best auto growers on the planet and you already have a hell of a start, Trust me you will get more than plenty of bomb smoke from that setup
Very nice and healthy man very nice :D, just watch that submersible pump with heating up those res's and try to keep it perpetual like you have because ,i don't know if you meant to my feeling is yes,but your covering those res's with shade so that worry would be when that shade ends up in your bowl and you have those 600hps rays hitting the res tops,don't be concerned about the actual room heat as such other than it heating the res's. i'm probably saying what you already know but yeah.
Great goin man your killin it ;) max rep.:slap:
Yea I certainly hope I get more then that that shouldn't be a problem unless I run into a problem but I'm sure with everyone's help on here I'll make I thru it. Thanks for the the rep @IndicaIVoz and thanks for the advice I've got some frozen water bottles in there now just in case they get to hot. I wish I had something to measure water temp but thats next on the list of things I need to get. Thanks again guys I'll put up some updated pics soon some of the bugger plants have been growing 2-3 inches a day
the'll more than pay themselves back haha geeze i got a 12 month supply from one plant ,thats an oz a month just for one person lol you'll be a happy man by the end of it ;)
Great looking grow you have going @Squigy04 ! I also grow using basic GH Flora 3 part nutes, GH CaliMagic(Cal/Mag) plus Botanicare's Silca Blast and liquid KoolBloom. As for your bucket temps, I give ZERO fucks about bucket temps with the use of Botanicare's HydroGuard to prevent root rot and I have bucket temps in the low 80's. I just measured my bucket temp on my current Mephisto Grape Crinkle and it is 81 degrees.