Grow Mediums Mephisto dwc grow deep blue c, sour bubbly, sodk, and walter white x sour stomper

Just some updated pics
1468836454709-414223368.jpg dbc top bud
1468836527050-694399650.jpg w.w. x s.s top bud
14688365923021407920053.jpg half of the family w.w.x s.s in that back right. Front middle is sour bubbly and front right is another w.w.xs.s
14688367773261837436912.jpg the other half of the family front one is dbc and back is sodk.
1468836867753-141551517.jpg my sodk. It seems to be a little droopy this morning. I also need some ideas for ways to prop up my sodk it's bending under its own weight so I know I will probably have issues when I get heavy flowers on there.i got a rope supporting it now but I would like to stake it up somehow. I was thinking maybe a threaded rod to screw into the bucket lid but I'll take any ideas. Thanks everybody for all the advice and wonderful comments . Truly appreciated
Oh yea also my lst I was trying on my w.w xs.s that was like 10 days behind the others accidentally turned it hst I accidentally broke the top off so now it's been topped.i was thinking about topping it anyway but the decision was made for me lol14688373299701241176092.jpg
1468837397659-1971306992.jpg root pic
Just some updated pics
View attachment 603076 dbc top bud
View attachment 603077 w.w. x s.s top bud
View attachment 603078 half of the family w.w.x s.s in that back right. Front middle is sour bubbly and front right is another w.w.xs.s
View attachment 603079 the other half of the family front one is dbc and back is sodk.
View attachment 603083 my sodk. It seems to be a little droopy this morning. I also need some ideas for ways to prop up my sodk it's bending under its own weight so I know I will probably have issues when I get heavy flowers on there.i got a rope supporting it now but I would like to stake it up somehow. I was thinking maybe a threaded rod to screw into the bucket lid but I'll take any ideas. Thanks everybody for all the advice and wonderful comments . Truly appreciated
She actually looks over watered mate make sure you put the res level to the base of the net pot ,If its not did you get your hands on a thermometer yet by chance what light cycle are you running?
She actually looks over watered mate make sure you put the res level to the base of the net pot ,If its not did you get your hands on a thermometer yet by chance what light cycle are you running?

"Overwatered" in a DWC is kind of an! I know there is many contradicting methods and info for growing but I raise my solution levels in my buckets throughout my grows and by the mid way point my buckets are filled all the way to the top.
"Overwatered" in a DWC is kind of an! I know there is many contradicting methods and info for growing but I raise my solution levels in my buckets throughout my grows and by the mid way point my buckets are filled all the way to the top.
not really man it depends on where the stalk is you certainly can overwater in DWC if shes low in the net no probs at all. it would depend on the location of the stalk.not to mention over watering due to under oxygenated water due to heat.and any parts of the res not being hit with air. ..i think thats the main ones haha ;)
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Hey thanks for the reply. Yes please sub up I'll take all the advice I can get. I haven't been running anything in my rez's I wasn't sure if the flora blend vegan compost tea had any bacteria in it so I didn't want to sterilize if I didn't have to. But if u know if it won't effect that at all then I deff will sterilize I have plenty of h202. The other reason I haven't is because even though I don't have the ability to temp my rez water feel fairly cool to the touch. I have my buckets taped up with reflective tape quite well.Unfortunately running on a low budget so I can't buy all the meters and stuff like I would like to. My roots seem to be doing well nice and white tons of new growth everyday. They get dark after a rez change but I'm chalking that up to nute stain. Again thanks for the reply great advice. Here's a root pick for you soon I don't think I will be able to fit them out of net pot hole in my lid.View attachment 601697

There are 2 different methods for rez/bucket health. One being a dead bucket .....i.e. using Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and the second method is of course a live rez/bucket using beneficial bacteria i.e. HydroGuard. H2O2 does nothing to promote root health other than sterilizing the bucket hence a "dead" bucket. Hydroguard increases the ability of your roots to uptake nutes and keeps root rot at bay. The choice of methods is yours to make. I use Hydroguard myself, I run my buckets filled to the top, my bucket temps run in the low 80's and my results are huge!
Here is a pic of them today day 39 I can only figure out how to post pics from my phone that I take right now can't get them from my gallery I wanted to show there progression maybe I can figure it out but for now it's gotta be current pics.View attachment 601635 family pic.
View attachment 601636 deep blue c leef tips are curling I think due to heat
View attachment 601638 sour bubbly
View attachment 601639 sodk
View attachment 601640 walter white x sour stomper
View attachment 601641 another w.w x s.s
View attachment 601642 and this is also a walter white x sour stomper but it's about ten days behind the other plants but it still started flowering the same time as the others but the others all seemed to flower late to me.

What PPM's are each of your girls running at?
What PPM's are each of your girls running at?

@HotBunz you are saying that you have your water level above your net pots? I would like to see pictures of your bucket being filled to the top. I have never seen this and I have been growin in DWC for a LONNNNNG time. As @IndicaIVoz you can totally overwater in DWC, I know that you have been successful so far with your DWC setup and that is good but something don't add up. Unless you are pumping so much oxygen into the water that it doesn't have enough time to submerge and drown the roots. If your roots are always in water they will die period. If you don't think DWC can be overwatered just check out @Frankthetank's current DWC grow where his water level was too high and his plants were over watered, then his air pump clogged up and again his plants were over watered. So can you take a picture of your rez being full to the top? Now the one caveat to this is that if your plants are really big and drinking a lot and you fill the water level up high it will drink it down fast enough to not have adverse effects, but there is no way I see to do it from the begining
Oh yea also my lst I was trying on my w.w xs.s that was like 10 days behind the others accidentally turned it hst I accidentally broke the top off so now it's been topped.i was thinking about topping it anyway but the decision was made for me lolView attachment 603086
View attachment 603087 root pic
View attachment 603088

@Squigy04 if the lights just came on that could be a reason the SODK is droopy, if the lights have been on a while and she hasn't perked up then I see one or possible two problems, the lack of root formation is indicative if not having enough air being pumped in also the droopy leaves could be a result of the roots sitting in under oxygenated water or the water level being too high, as @IndicaIVoz said. How high is the water in the rez?