New Grower Mephisto Chemdoggin and Cropking WW

Day 33...maybe I'm updating this a little too often, but I look at them at least 20 times a day lol so it doesn't seem like it to me. I feel like they should be bigger? Like taller, butttt I don't know. When you look at em so damn often you don't notice the growth. I'v been giving them almost a full dose of AN nutes every day (about 1000ppm) in a gallon, and I think there is ever such a slight sign of nute burn, so I'll back it down to less than half or so. I topped that WW to experiment and it hasn't seemed to do any harm, looks super healthy. I love they way the plants look under the LED. Also when should thy start to smell??? Literally no smell whatsoever which is slightly disappointing.

Day 36. I'm liking these Cropking seeds more than the Mephisto. They're bigger, greener, apart from one or two tiny bleaching spots, all the leaves look better and they seem to handle feed better too. The younger one in the back corner that I topped just looks lush!

@Dukeallday \

your first grow? The lady plants look fantastic for a new grower and IMO an experienced grower would be happy. But I'm a newbie.

My browser is sucking and bandwidth sucking too and all the pictures are causing lag. hard to follow the real journal content with so many pics!
Ha. Yeah maybe I should include more journal info but I don't really know what else..haven't been changing anything just watering with nutes every day...and thank you. It's my 2nd grow so also a newbie.
NO smell. Day 42. Apart from slight nute burn and a few discolored leaves on one plant, I don't think they look too bad, only thing is, they don't smell of ANYTHING!!! I'd been warned a few time "oh the whole neighborhood will smell them once they start to flower." Or, "I hope you have a good carbon filter set up." Pffft! I don't even smoke weed or cigarettes or anything, so you'd think that any small smell would even be magnified to me, but nothing. Seriously disappointed so far!
