Mega crop and autopots

.......But megacrop seems too easy to be true lol.
Most every commercial base nutrient system is easy - just add to water and feed. It's everything else, including maintaining constant optimal conditions and dealing with problems, that's hard.
Most every commercial base nutrient system is easy - just add to water and feed. It's everything else, including maintaining constant optimal conditions and dealing with problems, that's hard.
Yeah fair point.
Thanks bushmaster. Anything else I should know before I get my autopot in Coco grow started using megacrop.?
Not sure about the 2 part but with the 1 part like I'm using it's suggested to add a bit of epsom salt to the mix as well.
Apparently the 2 parts pretty complete. But time will tell. Need me some cuttings to get me going
Could have helped with that a few weeks ago.

All gone now.
Lovely stuff. Haha
Was testing out the Cloneking areoponic cloner....does pretty good as long as temp stays 75-85 area. Temp dropped near 60 for a bit and lost most the 1st batch, 2nd did ok with about 90% success rate.
No need for a pk boost. The part A has the pk and the part B has the n. Thats why you raise the part A and lower the part B in flower.
Do I just follow the instructions on the back of the bags?? Like how much a and b as I go, will that work OK or do I need to dial it back a bit?
I use the coco coir bricks so I rehydrate mine with half the dosage of nutrients and I do add in calmag. Depending
which coco you use you might not need to add all the stuff. I try to do that day or two before so the pots get soaked
in and warming up in the tent. Then get to germing seeds. The pots get 1.5L of the light nute solution and then I
plant germed seed. Normally in about 3 days you'll see sprouts popped up and go from there. At day 5 up they get
500ml of nutes, day 10 get 1L of nutes, day 15 get 1 - 1.5L of nutes watered more to the edge or pots. When your
at day 20 you can fill the res and turn on to let them go. I just keep topping off my res as needed keeping it simple.
I'm using cuttings now, any tips on transplanting them and how to water them up to turning the rez on?? Ps I'm using mega crop a and b