Grow Mediums Meef's GSC/LED/AutoPots, see page 13

I haven't seen my res drop since turning on the domes and aqua valves lol....

My only problem is I wanted it to work because I leave town for a week starting freakin sunday. Yes ms.train
Will be home and has managed the plants before but not to this capacity.

Here's my plan.

In my mind no matter what the large root mass WILL make it to the hydroton. I think it's just going to take a little longer. I have my airdomes running. And at the moment the trays are full. Yes I'm going to waste some nutes but I'm top feeding 1 liter daily and if they are not drinking the pot I change it. I turn off the res. Pull the pots brain the trays, put the pots back in top feed 1 liter and turn on res again. In my mind when the larger tap gets down in the hydroton the rest will follow and flourish .. I'm just making sure there's voodoo and piranha down there and they blow up...

That's the plan in my little pee brain. I could just be top feeding autos for the next 70 days lok
Has anyone else yet examined the roots of an AutoPot/AirDome-grown plant? The one I examined had nearly all of its roots in the bottom Hydroton layer, not in the 50:50 coco/perlite I used. I'd be particularly interesting in learning about the root systems of plants grown in higher than 50% coco. Does use of more coco result in significant root system development in the coco layers? And if growing roots in the coco vs. Hydroton is good, should we consider lowering the level of Hydroton or equivalent at the bottom?
Are you using coco and/or airdomes bro? I wouldn't worry about not having the bottom layer of pebbles if you are... If not then might want to repot.

Soil/perlite mix bro.. I'm gonna just ride it out as they are.. I figure if the roots r established when I turn the autopots on theyl b fine.. we'll c!!
Well, I came home to a little surprise today after a long shift at work. Four healthy looking girls above soil.

Consider this day one.





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Day 5
Nothing exciting to update about, the girls are just doing their thing under ground. They'll be on a light feed for the first 10 days of 0.5mL/L of AN Sensi Grow Coco and full strength H&G Roots Excelurator Gold.






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What's up meef..... glad to see things back on track. I just got home. Ms.train has managed the plants fairly well while I was out of town for 2 weeks and they are growing nicely so tom I'll be trying out the autopots and starting up my res again.