Update time for the Medusas Fruit clan,Group A is at 44days old and Group B come in at 36 days old.The 2 Group A girls are maturing rapidly,1 is apparently stunted and just a bit over 6" and is all bud.Her pistils are already starting to turn orange and shes in sugar mode. Her sister is a little taller and catching up quick-multiple budsites and cola forming.These 2 shared a liter of 6.5 ph water with 1/2tsp growbig,tigerbloom,bigbloom, and calmag. Group B ladies are all in the stretch mode and goin vertical,lots of budsites formed and still forming.All in this group are a nice green color and appear healthy and happy.Fed these 8 girls 2 gallons ph 6.5 water with 1 tsp. growbig,1 tsp. bigbloom per gallon-1 liter each.Runoff coming out on all runs 6.3-6.4 . Cab temps holding steady at 80f and humidity is runnin 65%. Running a 3 day water schedule and pots are DRY at watering,will be switching up to 2 day water schedule shortly as plant size and temps are drying them up to almost droop mode when they get watered.