Seed Stockers Kindbud tries solos again Wedding Glue Auto

Day 52 wedding glues…
So, been a bit… and embarrassed to post but here they are. I have serious problems growing anything in a pot less than 1gal! Can’t figure it out. It’s looking like I fed no N to them at all. And they are at 3.5gpg MC. Will try and give them some of the sea-kelp to see if I can shove them towards a semi healthy finish.
Bowed out on this one (again) cannot get the handle on solos. So I’ll stick to what I’m good at.
Looks like the roots got effed up. Apologies, I’ll stick to bigger pots for now
Looks like the roots got effed up. Apologies, I’ll stick to bigger pots for now
I had the same thing my first few. I think they end up with salt build up and you really have to be light on the nuites but frequent with watering. It's been a while for me and I have my small tent prepped and ready but I just don't have the time to baby sit. Winter time project.

Wedding Glue is great. Very lemony and a mellow high. I'm actually starting up a 5 gal grow right now because I'm running low.