Indoor Medusas' Fruit Auto Trial Run!

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your ladies are still looking awesome brotha dispite the problems!!...:thumbs:...i had the same problem before when using the FF BB and kinda looks like nitrogen lockout...but if you runoff is good...i don't see how it could be...:confused:...JM is pretty good with this kind of stuff bro...hit him with a PM and get him to take a look...or you could start a thread in the Cannabis Infirmary and get alot of opinions and suggestions...:smokebuds:
Thanks bro,i appreciate it! I just can't believe this went nutso in 2 days since my last pics,in plain english it p*sses me off!!LOL,quick pull on some hard lemonade and a toke of cobra and i'm cool. My water in and out is readin good,they get fed/watered every 3 days-soon to be 2 as their still goin vertical and the pots are dryin out quick. I've never had trouble with the ff nutes-this yellowin crap is a new one for my auto journey. Its been hot and my cab shoots up to near 90f toward the end of the day and humidity is holdin tite at 60-65%-i don't think either of those is the problem.I'll see if i can get brother JM on the case lol
all in all looking good mate
i cant help with the yellowing i dont know shit xD

Thank you kindly Griever! I'll get it figured out or kill'em tryin lol. I'd say from what i've seen of your grows you know alot more shit then i do lol!
My water going in is 6.4-6.5 and runoff is 6.3-6.2.

ph vs uptake.gif
I suspect ph may b a hair low....

but it looks like a nitrogen deficiency.... add a 1/4 - 1/2 dose of nitrogen in next feeding and try n bump the ph up a hair... goin in at 5.4 -6.5 and out at 6.2 - 6.3 says it might be a hair low... if its low enough it might be locking out nitrogen... nitrogen usually comes out of bottom leves first and gets transported to new growth...
Thanks JM,will give it a try. I'm using growbig for my nitrogen-usually 1/4tsp to 1 liter. for the helluva it i took the worse lookin girl out of the cab this morning and flushed her 2 liter pot with 1 gallon 6.5 ph water until runoff was 6.5. I gave her 1/2 liter ph 6.5 water with 1/8tsp. growbig. Hope it helps as shes got yellowing 3/4 way up-all the little top leaves are still green but have brown tips. This bites! I can grow a damn plant in a 32 oz cup and pull an oz dry,i bump up to a 2 liter and things went to hell lol. I got get it stopped as the majority of the gang have the same symtoms.
Was feelin a little bummed about the Medusa ladies being sick so decided a shopping spree to lift the spirits was in order lol! Just bought me a brandy new Hannah ph/ec/tds combo meter and the cali solutions,a control wizard accurate 8 soil ph tester,some ff light warrior,bloombastic and revive from AN nutes. Figured it might be possible my generic ph tester is off and maybe causing me trouble so i figured to get a hannah that would cover my ph and ppm in soil or promix.
What's up fullauto, long time no see... Congrats on the 32oz comp!
I had a similar issue recently and it turned out to be my PH pen. It was off but a whole point. Thought my feedings were going in at 6.4 but they were going in at 7.4! Calibrated the pen and walla, problem solved. Planning on upgrading to a Hanna combo pen when I get back. Let me know how you like it. Sending some green karma your way
Heya Rob,holy hell bro its been a while! Thanks man the 32 oz comp was fun,ticks me off i can grow in that little pot but give me a 2 liter pot and things went south! I don't know if my cheapo ph pen is off or not,somethin happened quick for the girls to take a nosedive like this. I'll let you know how the new hannah works when i get it.
Well hell,sorry to say fellas but the game is over for the Medusas Fruit trial run. Whatever has happened to the plants has killed them dead in a week or less. The yellowing i was having trouble with progressed so fast it was scary,the last of the girls kicked this afternoon:( I still do not believe ph was a problem,my runoff was 6.3-6.4 fairly consistently thru the whole grow. I tried flushing until runoff was 6.5 on the money,gave them a light foliar spray of epsom salt just in case of deficiency,i added a little calmag to the feeding water and it only got worse faster. There is another member here (Peekinese) who is experiencing the exact problem i had although i didn't have the smell he is talking about. Hopefully one of ya'll can help him out before he loses his plants. I don't consider myself an expert grower like some of you,but i'm not a total newbie to this and i can't believe this happened this fast even with some of the corrective measures i tried. 50 days shot to hell